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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

Probably the Geforce.com boards. They're a fun filled place to be.

No thanks. Don't really frequent the techie sections of OCUK any more. Quite funny to read on occasion. You can freely insult someone's mother here but try and step on their hallowed green or red turf and the fight is on. Not that either AMD nor Nvidia would take the time to spit on any of us but it's all fun :p
AMD are releasing a new series this month though right? Personally i think this is a badly timed article (not thread by greg) as i am assuming the 300series for AMD will be supporting the current DX12 features fully?

Also as stated in this thread, i also assume we are a long way off where games will fully utilize DX12. so by the time we can actually utilize DX12 AMD would have released fully compatible cards by then?

If i have got the above wrong i would be grateful for someone to correct me!

Why is it that when it's AMD with one "upping" Nvidia it's okay, but then when it's the other way around it's pathetic?

It's like the Nvidia/AMD shadows in GTA 5. It was perfectly fine for threads to be made showing Nvidia shadows as "poor", now it's not okay to do the opposite?
How do we know if either card can support full dx12 features if we don't know what them features are?

I'm know warrior and no fanboy of either you company I am just curious.

For maxwell to support "all" dx12 features surely nvidia would have to know what those features are? What if one of the features is freesync oriented?
How do we know if either card can support full dx12 features if we don't know what them features are?

I'm know warrior and no fanboy of either you company I am just curious.

For maxwell to support "all" dx12 features surely nvidia would have to know what those features are? What if one of the features is freesync oriented?

My guess is the companies have been given exclusive access to the features already or something, or atleast information for what DX12 features entail. I'm in the same boat as you. although i prefer NVIDIA primarily for the driver support. but thats for another thread! haha
You are quite correct and having just re-read DM's post, he does say that, so please accept my apologies and happy to hold my hands up. 4am starts all week meant my brain was a little mashed :)

lol gregter. Went out to get DM and inadvertently pwned yourself there fella :o:p:D
Right so when AMD supported stuff that Nvidia had to emulate that was fine. When it looks like AMD don't actually support all that it's not important and it's just trolling to mention the subject?

And all the AMD victims with the "AMD bashing thread of the day" type quotes. I think the only forum that will be more pro-AMD than OcUK is the AMD forums, and even then I imagine it's a pretty close call!

Everyone shouting that AMD's tech is 2 years old, who fault is that?
Silly question, it'll be Nvidia's won't it. Something in GameWorks no doubt!

I do agree that most developers will probably code to the 11_0 (or is it 11_1, are they different or is it a typo?) and may use a few features from the higher tiers. This may be what differentiates a card from the minimum spec to the recommended spec but probably won't be a conrerstone of any games.
By the time DX12 development is really getting to grips with the new API I imagine both sides will have new cards out that will be full compliant with whatever the top tier of DX12 is.

My other question is, did someone say DM paraphrased something?
I suddenly realise what everyone must've felt like when they learnt the world was round and not flat. Just sorta leaves you stunned :)
Shocker as old tech doesn't support new forthcoming API.

Keep trying Greg.

NVIDIAGreg has sure turned up the effort with just 11 days to go.

FYI Any card that does not support hardware DX12 features will simply have it in software, like Physx. The new cards will no doubt support whatever is needed.
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All this fuss over DX12 is laughable, the main culprits being people who upgrade their cards every generation or two anyway.

Greg you do seem to be going out of your way a little to try and shed AMD in poor light, what with the GTA shadow thread last night, the DX12 thread last week and now this.
Just playing devils advocate....

How much of DX12's features with be available to be used by either card manufacturer at launch?

I just can't get my head around what DX12 is going to bring to the table in the short term.
In the same way Gsync and Free sync is not available to all Nvidia and AMD cards, is it not acceptable that DX12 full feature, will not be available to all cards ATM.

New cards, new tech, new software. I am sure this thread is 12-18 months to early.

If after that time either card manufactory can't support full feature DX 12 then, yeah, argue away. Until the features promised by DX12 are being fully used by game and software houses... DX 11.1 will still be the way forward. for now and the near future...
And not so long ago I witnessed AMD fanboys literally shouting and threatening people with physical violence saying their AMD GPU's are full DX12 GPU's.

Seriously something wrong with a lot of people.
Really? Cause the only people I've seen been acting like that are people that were being told that the chances are that the 970/980 would not support the dx12 fully :confused:

Guess both sides are as bad as each other then.

And to be honest, by time that decent dx12 titles actually hit the shelf, think most 780/290 series user would be already upgrading to the die shrink next gen card?
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