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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

Personally I was quite surprised than any of the older cards from either vendor support DX12 at all since they were released prior to DX12 existing. I am happy anyway, and as others have said by the time a game comes out with all the bells and whistles of DX12 older GCN and Kepler cards will likely be underpowered anyway.
It does seem easier to jump on me rather than discuss the actual article. People seem to feel this is an attack thread at their family members but if you read the original article, it wasn't me that wrote it and for as long as I can remember...

Well, Greg, it shouldn't surprise you really.

When you post Nvidia news, there's always the feel of a "Take that" slant towards AMD.

When you post AMD news, there's always a bit of a "Haha, Nvidia rules" slant.

You're biased and that's fine, but it will always wind someone up, especially when you try to make out you are not biased.

"Just posting new..." - there's almost always a little more to it than that. And hey, that's fine - Just own it :)

As for me, I am rather more heavily biased towards Nvidia at the moment, and I will continue to have digs at their support. Or whatever they call it :D


So basically unless you're on a brand new Nvidia card you're better off being on AMD.

Just Greg being impartial again.:p
It does seem easier to jump on me rather than discuss the actual article. People seem to feel this is an attack thread at their family members but if you read the original article, it wasn't me that wrote it and for as long as I can remember, it has always been fine to post news threads that concern graphics cards in the graphics forum. Caryy on with the digs and jabs by all means but it won't change the fact that the article clears up some misconceptions that people were earlier getting wrong.
  • No current GCN card fully supports DX12
  • DX12 isn't Mantle with a new name
  • Only 9 series Maxwell fully supports DX12

And whilst these things are clear, not sure if people are reading the article at all as a few are saying things like "not surprised it isn't supported on 2 year old tech" etc but the questions remain for the forthcoming Grenada and even the Fiji cards, "will the 290/x rebrands fully support DX12? Will even the Fiji card fully support DX12? These are questions that need answering and I would like to buy a newly released GPU that fully supports DX12 now and not miss out in 6 months or less time.


And some are saying "Not any games out that support DX12" and "by the time DX12 games are out, we will be on newer tech" but that then goes back to people still using (and buying) 2/3 year old tech and what if the newer Grenada cards/Fiji cards don't fully support DX12 in 2 years time?

Its a non issue and always been one.
any developer will design accordingly the specifications and any previous iteration with dx and cards support list havent shown any issues.
Reading the forums with those gpu experts I havent found they go oh its a problem as definitions of dx12 and card support and what the game engines will have as far none said oh its an issue.

Console is the main target for game engines and developers and it has amd hardware.
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So basically unless you're on a brand new Nvidia card you're better off being on AMD.

Just Greg being impartial again.:p

A typical thread from Mr.Green.. Try make AMD look bad when really all he doing is showing more weakness in Nvidias lineup.

Said it before we need to wait for the games and then find out what feature levels they even going to be using.. Most DX features never make it into games anyways.
All this fuss over DX12 is laughable, the main culprits being people who upgrade their cards every generation or two anyway.

Greg you do seem to be going out of your way a little to try and shed AMD in poor light, what with the GTA shadow thread last night, the DX12 thread last week and now this.


Yeah, what's up with that Greg? lol :D

Pot, kettle, black... I remember you are one of the few people I ever got tempted to block :D

+1,000,000! Well said.
Pot, kettle, black... I remember you are one of the few people I ever got tempted to block :D

See ? Tempted but never done it, as you love me really ? :D

Prob I have is that reading Greg's posts with interest because I am so pro Nvidia, I sometimes think he's being too nice to AMD if that makes sense. He's probably one of the only few unbiased regular posters on the form. I do know he favours Nvidia due to their tech, getting it out into games etc, but to think he's having a go at AMD is pretty funny really. You know what sheep are like though, once one jumps on board they all seem to follow suit.
So will the upcoming 3 series GPUs from AMD fully support DX12?


Full DX12 support cards:

GTX 960, 970, 980, 980Ti, Titan X (I think that covers all of them?)
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Anyways guys it's Friday and lovely and sunny lets enjoy it and worry about DX12 when it becomes relevant and actually has titles that we want to play and show a real world difference from DX11. For now it's just companies trying to fish in customers on look mine can do that and theirs can't.... It's all blaa blaa for now really till and when we get Windows 10 and DX12 and the titles we want to play.
So basically unless you're on a brand new Nvidia card you're better off being on AMD.

Just Greg being impartial again.:p

Steam HW survey has Maxwell v2 at around 4.7% of the market and the entire R9 200 series in total at 0.82%

So many, many more people out there with full DX12 support than a cut down limited version when comparing the two.
Steam HW survey has Maxwell v2 at around 4.7% of the market and the entire R9 200 series in total at 0.82%

So many, many more people out there with full DX12 support than a cut down limited version when comparing the two.

And that survey is not the correct way on getting numbers.. Why? because not everyone accepts the survey to be run.

I know on my system I opt out of it..
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