It does seem easier to jump on me rather than discuss the actual article. People seem to feel this is an attack thread at their family members but if you read the original article, it wasn't me that wrote it and for as long as I can remember, it has always been fine to post news threads that concern graphics cards in the graphics forum. Caryy on with the digs and jabs by all means but it won't change the fact that the article clears up some misconceptions that people were earlier getting wrong.
- No current GCN card fully supports DX12
- DX12 isn't Mantle with a new name
- Only 9 series Maxwell fully supports DX12
And whilst these things are clear, not sure if people are reading the article at all as a few are saying things like "not surprised it isn't supported on 2 year old tech" etc but the questions remain for the forthcoming Grenada and even the Fiji cards, "will the 290/x rebrands fully support DX12? Will even the Fiji card fully support DX12? These are questions that need answering and I would like to buy a newly released GPU that fully supports DX12 now and not miss out in 6 months or less time.
And some are saying "Not any games out that support DX12" and "by the time DX12 games are out, we will be on newer tech" but that then goes back to people still using (and buying) 2/3 year old tech and what if the newer Grenada cards/Fiji cards don't fully support DX12 in 2 years time?