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AMD freesync coming soon, no extra costs.... shocker

Lol Nvidia users always sound so blatantly butthurt and have to come off condescending and peer down their noses at AMD.

im a nvidia user! and im too short to peer down my nose at anyone! :)

im happy if it works, i dont want buy a overpriced ugly looking g-sync screen!
I just cant understand why people are getting so uptight over all this G/Free Sync. I man really who cares. A bit of tearing here and there OMG the world has ended..

I just feel like it was a non issue till BOTH companies made it an issue and in the process is making people think they need it. Ok so some people will say Tearing affects me? Ok I cant understand that because it does not bother me.

If AMD say this has been around for a while, then why have they not done it. Likewise I smell a huge upgrade for some people that really wont need G-SYNC monitors.

I assume if you have SLI 780+ / Titans you wont have the issue that G-SYNC tries to fix?

I dont know, but I just think there is a lot of hype & possible cost behind what has been a non issue for quite a while. Maybe Im wrong? please enlighten me.
The only problem I can see, is AMD from one of the posts here (One of the tech sites) seem to not have a plan of implementation, whereas Nvidia do.

But I'm looking forward to jumping a 120HZ 1440P native screen with this free sync.

There's a joke somewhere in the name about AMD don't do anything themselves :p
Lol Nvidia users always sound so blatantly butthurt and have to come off condescending and peer down their noses at AMD.

Yes and a lot of AMD users come across as desperate, but that is what may be from living in big bad Nvidias shadow for so long ;). The irony is they are all in buisiness and both AMD/Nivida will charge and behave as the market will let them, neither are in it for your love.
I don't care which is what or now is then as long as it works to my advantage.

I won't pretend I don't like Nvidia more though (only because the experience was easier, nothing more). Saying that there's years to come, at the moment my pocket is scared of my next purchase.
im just stirring the hornets nest, tbh i use AMD cos they are cheaper and offer best bang for pound spent :) But anything thats free and is works for all is a winner in my book
im just stirring the hornets nest, tbh i use AMD cos they are cheaper and offer best bang for pound spent :) But anything thats free and is works for all is a winner in my book

My opinion is cool, show me when its done. I love free stuff. If it means i have to upgrade my monitor to use it then so be it. At least you don't have to pay for anything else. Its something that can wait until i upgrade my screen, which i won't be doing any time soon. As shown in the Gsync reviews if you're not below 60 fps it has very little benefit at all. I spend very little time, if any at all below 60fps outside of a couple of titles which i don't play any more.
Look at it this way, no brand specifics...

We don't know how Toshiba's VBLANK interrupt works, or anything about it.

No market to public plan in place - meaning it could be along time till it's available on desktops.

G-Syncs onboard DRAM is faster and larger than what you'd find on a conventional display scaler - how this would translate into performance who knows.

Your argument about not playing below 60FPS is mind bogglingly pointless as there is tearing above the refresh rate whenever the frame rate allows. The principle is to eliminate the tearing completely.
The one game i play without vsync is BF4 and i don't get tearing on that, for some reason. Or if i do, i cannot detect it. Hence why i said it has very little benefit for me as it stands. My other games i play, (not competitive fps) i use vsync and normally maintain 60fps without any problem. Input lag could be lowered i suppose, but how much remains to be seen as TechReport indicate Gsync could be using triple buffering. Regardless if input lag is a problem you can always limit fps or remove triple buffering or adjust the renderaheadlimt which all make a noticeable difference. Not that i have a problem with input lag in the games i play, aside from BF4 which is why i disable it there. Maybe its something i can't detect though, but if thats the case then what's the point.
G-Sync is designed to eliminate input lag (caused by v-sync) as well as stutter & tearing, all this technology does is make sub 60fps smoother when v-sync is enabled? it's closer in capability to NVidia's FREE AND AVAILABLE to customers adaptive vsync.

Adaptive v-sync works on any monitor as well and doesn't require monitor hardware support like Freesync.

AMD isn’t ready to productize this nor does it have a public go to market strategy, but my guess is we’ll see more panel vendors encouraged to include support for variable VBLANK and perhaps an eventual AMD driver update that enables control over this function.

So it's just another publicity stunt right now while NVidia owners have had adaptive vsync for however many months.
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G-Sync is designed to eliminate input lag (caused by v-sync) as well as stutter & tearing, all this technology does is make sub 60fps smoother when v-sync is enabled? it's closer in capability to NVidia's FREE AND AVAILABLE to customers adaptive vsync.

Adaptive v-sync works on any monitor as well and doesn't require monitor support like Freesync.

So it's just another publicity stunt right now while NVidia owners have had adaptive vsync for however many months.

AMD have had adaptive vsync for about the same time also.
Not strictly true as the Toshiba panels they're demonstrating are able to make VBLANK adjustments. However at this stage I would definitely tend to agree with it being a publicity stunt - especially give its Toshiba's technology they're demonstrating. So it's free to people who haven't paid for it when buying the notebook in question LOL.

Hand on heart I've nothing against anything which benefits the end user, but when people are raising their fists at NV purely because someone announces something that's 'free' when we know nothing about it, you can only laugh.

It's a cheap space filler at CES using Toshibas notebooks at the end of the day.
Yes. It was my brainchild though, look at the date. ;) :p

Look at this date ? Taking full credit for a name you didn't even come up with yourself, stay classy ;):D

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G-Sync is designed to eliminate input lag (caused by v-sync) as well as stutter & tearing, all this technology does is make sub 60fps smoother when v-sync is enabled? it's closer in capability to NVidia's FREE AND AVAILABLE to customers adaptive vsync.

Adaptive v-sync works on any monitor as well and doesn't require monitor hardware support like Freesync.

So it's just another publicity stunt right now while NVidia owners have had adaptive vsync for however many months.

Its clearly not adaptive v sync or it would work on any monitor. The monitor has to have a certain feature for it to work. I suggest you go read some articles.
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