Nonsense (partly), the margin on AMD's GPU's is decent and a lot higher then what they make on Ryzen CPU's going by their latest financial results. Sales are tanking because AMD doesn't offer a compelling option to consumers, this review comparing the RTC 4070 Super and 7900 GRE perfectly encapsulates the problem for AMD GPU/gaming division
Overclocked GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER and Overclocked Radeon RX 7900 GRE go head to head in gaming performance benchmarks, 1440p, Upscaling, Ray Tracing.
While the GRE isn't a bad product it doesn't do enough to stand out. What's on offer? Similar to slightly worse performance for slightly less money, okay but the Geforce card offers better RT, upscaling, hardware acceleration, more software features and a lower power draw plus it's a stronger brand. If AMD is serious about this segment it needs a major rethink on how to attract customers. It's like the old Amiga 500 Vs Atari ST battles from back in the day, Amiga won because of it offered better and faster computing thanks to to it's custom chips which appealed to both game developers and consumers.
When the GRE was released it was closer in price to the RTX4070,so much so DF recommended it over the RTX4070:
AMD's RX 7900 GRE gets the Digital Foundry review treatment, looking at performance, RT, upscaling and more - here's our verdict.
Now,because of the GRE,prices have started to drop on both the RTX4070 and RTX4070 Super in recent weeks. The RTX4070 Super is slowly edging towards £500. Personally,I think they all need further price cuts. The RX7900XT for under £600 was more like what we should have had.
It's also been explained loads of times AMD gaming revenue includes consoles. The current console generation is almost four years old and needs a refresh. XBox and PS5 sales are down a lot and they make up a huge percentage of that revenue.
But WCCFtech did another one of their poorly researched "articles" which totally ignored that and blamed it 100% on dGPU sales and the rest of the sites just regurgitated that.Also,they seemingly also ignored that dGPU sales also have seasonality,ie,into the summer there are drops in sales and they pick-up towards the end of the year or around major new launches.
There is also another thing skewing data - consumer sales are also for AI,not just gaming as Chinese companies have been also trying to get past tech restrictions over the last year. This is why the US government has essentially banned RTX4090 card sales to China and also sanctioned companies which re-exported them to China from third countries.
Also why rumours hint that the RTX5080 is being launched before the RTX5090,as it's been made to comply with the new restrictions.
Just like with sales when mining was popular it has no bearing on whether the gaming market is healthy or not. It's impossible to break down what percentage of sales are for mining,AI or just gaming. AMD cards are less optimal for AI tasks,Nvidia cards are not. Nvidia,OTH, is doing just great because of AI.
The fact that Nvidia made a Super refresh tells me dGPU sales are not great for gamers and there was a push by partners for Nvidia to do this to stimulate more sales.