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AMD GPU sales tanking

18 Oct 2002
The black screens with AMD cards were not that far in the past. That's when I switched to Nvidia and still got a bit of PTSD leftover.

Black screens didn't affect the gpus these gimps were rambling about. When they have to dredge up something from 2001 then it's pointless even entering a discussion with these morons as their mind is already set.
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3 Feb 2017
I do hope not, we need AMD in the GPU market, OK it won't/hasn't stopped Nvidia gouging it customer for the 'top shop' cards but we need competition in the 'middle ground' or Nvidia will 'gouge' that too ;)
100% this we need both intel and AMD to come out swinging competition leads to decent prices.
18 Nov 2023
Good Grief, this actually IS insane, AMD bad because ATI bad Drivers, 15 years ago, i buy Nvidia because people keep brining that up, like i just did. :confused:


I bought a 7900XT (Sapphire Pulse) and paired it with a 7800X3D last year.

It's the first AMD/ATI card (and CPU) i've had since 2001. Until then, i always had Nvidia GPUs and Intel CPUs. I heard/read all the drama regarding AMD/ATI drivers, but dismissed it and decided to purchase one of their cards to draw my own conclusions.

I've had the 7900XT (Sapphire Pulse) for a few months now and i've been nothing but impressed. It's an excellent card, plus i got it for a decent price (£690 new). I wouldn't hesitate to buy another of their cards in the future (RDNA 5 or 6).

They have the tech and are improving it (apparently RDNA 5 is focusing on Ray-Tracing), i just think they need to market their cards more and price them more aggressively.
18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
Again I think it's important for the consumer to have a choice, do I want:

1. A Ray tracing GPU that costs £££££ for decent performance
2. Am I happy with a GPU with good rasterization performance which is a better 'bang for buck'

Let me have the choice and I will select accordingly. I'd rather have a GPU that really ignores Ray Tracing and is 'kick ass' in rasteristation than pay a premium for 'mediocre' Ray Tracing performance that more than likely I won't use.

Also I think AMD will carry on 'swinging' in the GPU space, remember both the Xbox and PS5 have AMD GPU, I believe both Sony/MS were put off Nvidia high SOC pricing.

I don't have time to find the numbers but I'd be interested to see how much AMD from Sony/MS vs retail sales of GPUs
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19 Sep 2022
if amd really wants to gain marketshare, they have got to leapfrog.. should have been working on rdna 5 instead of rdna 4 on a 3nm node. again really depends on amd's assessment of market attractiveness as a lot of money will be wasted if they decide to leapfrog
18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
As you say it depends on how much 'leapfrog' will cost, there is more market for middle of the range GPU (and Xbox/PS5 SOC) than they is on eyewatering expensive top of the range.

I think they problem they have now is the perceived notion the 'Nvidia is the best', while that it true for top end/Ray tracing (and cost), I'm not so sure it's true lower down but perception sells cards.
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3 Oct 2008
The black screens with AMD cards were not that far in the past. That's when I switched to Nvidia and still got a bit of PTSD leftover.
Looking at some of the replies to the screenshot posted a few posts back gave me flashbacks to around the time when the black screen issue was at its worst where people regretability sought help for it just to be met with AMD's rabid fanbase and nothing drives people away from AMD and into the arms of Nvidia more than a toxic rabid fanbase to blame and gaslight you.

It's a rant but Steve said it well as it seems nothing much has changed, AMD has obtuse/bad marketing, spent years stoking the fires and building a rabid fanbase and said fanbase attacks any critism of AMD.
I'll add some of these people are in denial that they're part of the toxic fanbase, giving AMD's market share is so small these extemely vocal fans are doing a lot of damage to AMD's brand in which AMD has to undo.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Looking at some of the replies to the screenshot posted a few posts back gave me flashbacks to around the time when the black screen issue was at its worst where people regretability sought help for it just to be met with AMD's rabid fanbase and nothing drives people away from AMD and into the arms of Nvidia more than a toxic rabid fanbase to blame and gaslight you.

It's a rant but Steve said it well as it seems nothing much has changed, AMD has obtuse/bad marketing, spent years stoking the fires and building a rabid fanbase and said fanbase attacks any critism of AMD.
I'll add some of these people are in denial that they're part of the toxic fanbase, giving AMD's market share is so small these extemely vocal fans are doing a lot of damage to AMD's brand in which AMD has to undo.
Vocal rabid gaslighting fan base you say...
10 Oct 2012
That's why the Crayon eaters in those comments are best ignored. Just have to go to just about any tech site with comments be it their own site or Facebook and that's all you see, people owed a card a decade plus ago and it had issues. Or they never owned one but heard this or that about it. Apparently things never change in tech.
The weird thing is that most people would have run into bugs with nvidia hardware as well. Its inevitable. Yet somehow they manage to ignore and forget about it. I'm not hating on nvidia as it happens for all vendors at some point. But it illustrates the world pretty well, full of mostly sheep.
18 Oct 2002
The weird thing is that most people would have run into bugs with nvidia hardware as well. Its inevitable. Yet somehow they manage to ignore and forget about it. I'm not hating on nvidia as it happens for all vendors at some point. But it illustrates the world pretty well, full of mostly sheep.

That was part of Rollos job, to deflect nvidia issues and spin the conversation into an anti ati\amd diatribe. The forums were comical back then!

And when it comes to fanboys there's plenty to go around. It's hardly an amd specific thing, people have been fanboying over things before pcs were even a notion.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Interesting take, considering in the past nvidia had active trolls posting on forums under the guise of being 'focus group members'. The name rollo ring any bells? He was one of the primary ones.

I don't remember this character but a few members have mentioned this to me before. As with any hobby, you still see the die-hards behave like this subsidised or not.
That was part of Rollos job, to deflect nvidia issues and spin the conversation into an anti ati\amd diatribe. The forums were comical back then!

Just reading that I don't think you need the last sentence as its still present tbh. :cry:
18 Oct 2002
I don't remember this character but a few members have mentioned this to me before. As with any hobby, you still see the die-hards behave like this subsidised or not.

Just reading that I don't think you need the last sentence as its still present tbh. :cry:

This forum isn't as bad as it once was, at one point the mods shut this subsection down for a week or so as it was getting farcical with how people were carrying on.
18 Oct 2002
I'd forgotten about Rollo..

Best forgotten, though it's funny to think nvidia were paying people to go out shilling for them, exaggerating ati\amd issues and downplaying any nvidia issues. Probably has a lot to do with some of the mindsets of some people swearing off amd hardware as there was more than just Rollo running about numerous tech sites doing this, though he was the most known of the bunch.
22 May 2015
Best forgotten, though it's funny to think nvidia were paying people to go out shilling for them, exaggerating ati\amd issues and downplaying any nvidia issues. Probably has a lot to do with some of the mindsets of some people swearing off amd hardware as there was more than just Rollo running about numerous tech sites doing this, though he was the most known of the bunch.
Constantly denied being a shill when challenged when everyone knew the truth.
4 Feb 2006
Best forgotten, though it's funny to think nvidia were paying people to go out shilling for them, exaggerating ati\amd issues and downplaying any nvidia issues. Probably has a lot to do with some of the mindsets of some people swearing off amd hardware as there was more than just Rollo running about numerous tech sites doing this, though he was the most known of the bunch.

There are always plenty of shills trying to derail positive AMD threads even now so I doubt if Nvidia has ever stopped paying people.
7 Dec 2010
Best forgotten, though it's funny to think nvidia were paying people to go out shilling for them, exaggerating ati\amd issues and downplaying any nvidia issues. Probably has a lot to do with some of the mindsets of some people swearing off amd hardware as there was more than just Rollo running about numerous tech sites doing this, though he was the most known of the bunch.

I believe they still are paying or sponsoring people with free hardware to get away with it being "paying" .. Wouldn't be surprised if Apple is doing the same thing too, as at any time a new Apple product appears the whole internet turns into Apple adverts and reviews.

Like I said in the past and still do the technology industry has lost all ethics and become pretty disgusting...

And to end this with... The more you buy the more you save... remember CEO maths is not accurate, But it is correct...... :rolleyes:

See with CEO's behaving in this manner and think it's funny... you realise the joke is on its customers and the disrespect... Especially as it was highlighted by many when it was first said that people found it pretty disgusting and now it keeps going on where it should have been dropped... The more you say it the more customers you lose in the end..
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