In the long run, higher amounts of ram as standard means higher quality textures can be used. Even the most graphical AAA games textures look like puke at the moment.
The developers design after the mass.
thats currently 1-2 to 4gb.
HBM and AMD has shown latency can be lowered with HBM and memory compression so adding more memory like Nvidia does isnt a solution for a gamer or a developer.
why for example AMD added 8gb to the 390 was to make it different.
adding 12gb for the titanX is the same idea to make it different.
can a developer add a better texture?
sure, but then they have the issue of time spent and money to allow that.
then wahts the customer running and then they design it for consoles.
the market states, xbox, ps4 the design target, battlefront dice crap show us that. so a PC will always have a compromize due to the developer design for another market.
so anyone buying a 12gb card or a 8gb card wont have any real usage as 4GB HBM has shown being superior to GDDR5 due to a better memory handling.
Games wont need 8gb until HDR enabled games happens with dx12 and engines that has that built in.
the reality is, developers cut corners and wont do games that are awesome on PC, true battlefront looks absoluty stunning and sounds amazing but the gameplay is crap so why even play it?
and the players agree.
12000 players online PC peak!
ps4? 103000!
xbox 64000!
If I was dice and thinking, money cow, dude I design it for console anyday of the week and sell crap as kids today buy anything. console outsell PC 10 to 1.
you wont have a game made for PC anymore even it might change with VR.
(not likely) I can sell 160000 games to console vs 12000 games to PC guess what I design 4?
AMD at least allow us new HDR screens, with DP 1.3 and a whole new design with Polaris as moat of my time I spend online playing a dx9 engine grim dawn as I simply refuse to buy battlefront as its made by dice. The artwork of grim dawn however is vastly superior to battlefront as its not about pixels all the time.