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AMD R9 290 (Non-X, Pro, etc) Owners Club

13 Sep 2013

FYI humbug and thefogo.

If you black screen its most likely the output going to **** caused by too much voltage (Doesnt have to be a dangerous amount of voltage). You can keep this from happening to some degree by lowering refresh rates to 60, if its only for benching then you might aswell run 30hz on your screen.

Rarely does RAM just make your stuff go black, its usually flickering.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
FYI humbug and thefogo.

If you black screen its most likely the output going to ****. You can keep this from happening to some degree by lowering refresh rates to 60, if its only for benching then you might aswell run 30hz on your screen.

Rarely does RAM just make your stuff go black, its usually flickering.

I run a 60Hz screen, i have not had a Black Screen yet. :)
20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
Try bumping the voltage one or two notches. If that fixes it, then you know the problem.

are you setting power control to 20% that helps on some cards at stock

When I go to settings and unlock voltage control it comes straight up with +25 and before it's unlocked it's greyed out so I don't know what it was set at.

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Try those stock settings above, but set the power limit to +50% and click save to slot 1. If problems occur try raising the voltage a tad more. That is plenty of voltage for those clocks though, tbh.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Any ideas on what i should try with my 290 PCS+ Overclock it not done it yet, got 3D mark can bench on that or unigine i think its gonna be a decent overclocker so..

I have the same GPU, for 24/7 try for 1100/1400, i run mine at 1110/1410 just to round off the Pixelfill Rate ecte' in GPU-Z.

For Benching i just managed this, i'm still finding how high it could go.

Rangerjr1, you're my hero :)

1200/1500 @ +175mv, and perfect, no flickering, no artefacts...nothing, just perfect. and i broke the 12K score milestone.

Score: 9744
Graphics Score: 12141


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13 Sep 2013
Jesus christ my jimmies... :rolleyes:

Lol :)
Faster ram doesn't = more bandwidth. More bandwidth doesn't = faster ram. Bandwidth is the combination of ram and bus.

Only reason im replying to this is because sugarhell linked it to me.



Bus width x RAM clock speed x 4 / 8 = Bandwidth

So in my case: 512 x 1650 x 4 / 8 = 422400mb/s or 422.4gb/s Bandwidth. So what happens when you increase RAM speed? Lets try.

512 x 1775Mhz (like my 290x bench) x 4 / 8 = 454400mb/s or 454gb/s. Oh look at that, RAM speed increased.

What happens if i lower the bus width?

384 x 1775 x 4 / 8 = 340800mb/s or 340gb/s. Would you look at that what a surprise RAM is now slower because the bus isnt as wide.

Faster RAM DOES equal more bandwidth, and bandwidth is measured in the amount of data it can move every second! More data it moves, the faster? I dont know.


Again unsure if there's trolling going on again, but some people might find this useful so whatever.
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Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Only reason im replying to this is because sugarhell linked it to me.



Bus width x RAM clock speed x 4 / 8 = Bandwidth

So in my case: 512 x 1650 x 4 / 8 = 422400mb/s or 422.4gb/s Bandwidth. So what happens when you increase RAM speed? Lets try.

512 x 1775Mhz (like my 290x bench) x 4 / 8 = 454400mb/s or 454gb/s. Oh look at that, RAM speed increased.

What happens if i lower the bus width?

384 x 1775 x 4 / 8 = 340800mb/s or 340gb/s. Would you look at that what a surprise RAM is now slower because the bus isnt as wide.

Faster RAM DOES equal more bandwidth, and bandwidth is measured in the amount of data it can move every second! More data it moves, the faster? I dont know.

Way too simplistic

Lob some decent Samsung VRAM into the equation that has better timings and can clock higher without running into error correction problems.

Even if you can clock your memory at 1775 this may be slower than using a lower speed where there is no error correction.

Also with the Samsung memory clock for clock it will be faster than other types of memory due to better timings.
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