You sure they don't bill it as the fastest card ever made?
from AMD's website
I don't think this will have any trouble beating the 7970 massively and meh, ignore 3dmark. Isn't the 7970 already miles and miles behind a Titan anyway when in most games Titan isn't even remotely that far ahead, IE isn't 3dmark currently Nvidia architecture biased? I care about game performance not benching. I'm sure some games that favour Nvidia will have Titan ahead by varying amounts but hugely smaller amounts than currently, and there will be plenty of AMD favouring games which it will beat Titan again by varying amounts. I think the claim of how much faster it is in BF4 might be flimsy on release but come Mantle peoples jaws are going to drop.
I think you will find 3dmark Firestrike actually shows AMD in a better light, compare the HD 7970 to the GTX 680.