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AMD Radeon R9 Nano coming next week

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18 Oct 2002
If you underclock and undervolt the 4096 card then it's fine. You still need a coolant cooler if you wish to scale over 1100mhz and using over 1.25v.
Look at the vrm temps of fury 3584 on stock 1.25v to see that there is little headroom without a very good cooler.

As evidenced by numerous reviews theres bugger all headroom on the fiji chip anyway so its a moot point. Liquid cooling is NOT a necessity despite what others were gibbering about prior to launch.
4 Nov 2013
It seems if you push the power limit voltage to the right with a Nano it will keep that 1000mhz at all times if the cooler is able to keep it in the temps. Theoretically it could draw 225W from the connectors, and just checked the Fury Strixx is pulling around this and running nicely.
17 Nov 2013
Convert the performance ratio to a 970 into cost and take into account that the 970 is going on for a year old and you will see that the Nano is only worth £350.

Do people really pay premium amounts for mITX components ? when I do one it will be using mainstream parts that I have spare once I switch over to x99 on the main system. I wont be putting 5960x and Fury X2 into a little cube that ill probably only use once a week or something.
2 Jan 2012
Convert the performance ratio to a 970 into cost and take into account that the 970 is going on for a year old and you will see that the Nano is only worth £350.

Do people really pay premium amounts for mITX components ? when I do one it will be using mainstream parts that I have spare once I switch over to x99 on the main system. I wont be putting 5960x and Fury X2 into a little cube that ill probably only use once a week or something.

£380 > £400 is a fair price.

No need to go 5960X at all for mini ITX.

For Mini ITX Skylake + i5 would make more sense than a 5960X. Much cheaper and as you go up in resolution, CPU dependence goes down. So Skylake Mini ITX would be ideal for a 4K setup.
4 Aug 2005
$649 ... I dont see that converting to the price of an average GTX970. How can they claim its perfect for ITX media systems without HDMI2?
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18 Oct 2002
Haha, yeah I'll pick one of these up at some point though. Waiting for a big price drop.

AMD's market share should be at circa 10% soon, expect some great fire sale prices then :D:p

Problem is too Boom, would *you* buy expensive graphics hardware from a company who is say below 12-13% marketshare (still dropping from there) *and* hemorrhaging money?? Because I'm not sure I would!! Driver/Crossfire support ain't the best as it is, but it'd be a damn sight worse if said company goes under!!! :(:(:(
4 Nov 2013
Convert the performance ratio to a 970 into cost and take into account that the 970 is going on for a year old and you will see that the Nano is only worth £350.

Do people really pay premium amounts for mITX components ? when I do one it will be using mainstream parts that I have spare once I switch over to x99 on the main system. I wont be putting 5960x and Fury X2 into a little cube that ill probably only use once a week or something.

Well if it is 30% faster than a 970, then it ~15% faster than a 980 so no point selling it at 970 price right? It should be priced around the 980.
10 Jul 2009
Can we stop with this idiotic nonsense about AMD drivers? And xfire.
Drivers for Fury family are miles better than anything nvidia has at the moment for windows 10. You know OS which was installed around 75million times since release.
And what issues are we having now with xfire? Game support? The game which does not support xfire, does not support SLI as well, the game which has issues with xfire has issues with SLI as well. So can we stop this FUD? At least until nvidia has working win 10 drivers that is. Then you can continue with you FUD, as I am sure no one will care by then.
And the argument that market share is dropping and this is the reason to avoid AMD is so stupid it is not even funny.
7 Aug 2013
So if it is on par with a 980ti it kinda make the FuryX pointless, or at the very least the Fury pointless.
It's not on par with the 980Ti.

At 4K, it looks to be in between the 980 and the 980Ti. At lesser resolutions, I'm guessing the 980 will close up on it.

And I'd agree it makes the regular Fury pointless, except the regular Fury is not only going to be more powerful, but also cost less.

The Nano, at $650, will be a card *only* for people who are doing very small form factor/low power draw PC's. There is no other reason to get one.
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27 Oct 2011
It's not on par with the 980Ti.

At 4K, it looks to be in between the 980 and the 980Ti. At lesser resolutions, I'm guessing the 980 will close up on it.

And I'd agree it makes the regular Fury pointless, except the regular Fury is not only going to be more powerful, but also cost less.

The Nano, at $650, will be a card *only* for people who are doing very small form factor/low power draw PC's. There is no other reason to get one.

As I said earlier, with the possibility of not needing to upgrade a power supply, it might make a good upgrade for some. IF the specs are as expected....
12 Sep 2013
There seems to be too many people expecting too much from this. The only results we have are from AMD and we know how accurate they were with the Fury X's pre-release results, This card will not be faster than a Fury pro because: A, The lower power draw will limit it. B, Once you put it in a case the temps will limit it and C, For all AMD's pre-release bluster they themselves only quoted it as better than a 290x. I'm sure it'll give pretty good results when on an open bench though.
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