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AMD Radeon R9 Nano coming next week

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20 May 2007
AMD just seemed to have really dropped the ball this generation. Those sales figures Gibbo posted for the 980Ti vs Fury range in the other thread are crazy. I know supply has been limited but even when there is stock they hardly seem to fly off the shelves.

I don't see how releasing a small form factor Fury X that might throttle a lot for the same money as a Fury X is going to help them with sales. Most enthusiast will have a full tower anyway, and whilst I know there will be a market for people who want a MATX, HTPC, the numbers are not going to be huge - and lack of HDMI 2.0 might make the Nano a no go for some in this market.

I just really hope they have something to really rival Pascal, as another generation of being dwarfed by Nvidia in sales is not going to be good as we need competition.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Haha, yeah Greg sort it out ;)

I don't even......

In truth though, I do think that the Nano will be crap but time will tell and hopefully I am wrong. I am just not into the HTPC/Micro builds and feel that the micro 970 would have been a big talking point if it was such a big thing but they went by without a mention and at the time of them being launched, not a single word from anyone, so not sure why the Nano is getting all this publicity. If it matches a FX, sweet but with an 8 pin (225W power), I just feel this launch is crap.
2 Jan 2012
TPU are another site that Roy tweeted "reviews need to be fair" and excluded them from getting a Nano. Seems a bit off to me and potential buyers will sift through many reviews before purchasing and make his/her own mind up from the multiple reviews. AMD only sending out to biased reviewers feels dirty and wrong.

Yup, no more dirty and wrong than Nvidia being deceitful about hardware spec, condescending non apology's or gimping with Gameworks though :p

Neither company have ideal business practices.

At the end of the day, it all come downs to hardware imho. Nvidia are ahead, AMD are obviously having a big shake up to try and become more effective at market change with quicker responses. Should be good we all need competition.

Is the Nano going to get reviews today?
20 Apr 2004
There will be plenty of reviews from site which are well known so I doubt every site will be AMD biased. Let's see if Anantech, PcPer, Tom's Hardware, LinusTech, etc get them. They are usually accused of Nvidia bias.

I think the snide remarks about the nano pricing, etc a few weeks back may have pi**** AMD off
The latest rant will have done them no favors either. Any decent journalist would probably take it up with AMD privately but not go public like they have.

The line between critical and snide is thin and most of the time down to opinion. $650 for the nano is borderline ridiculous, for a card with the proposed performance it will have when a Fury X is the same price and would be much better for a 95% of ITX builds as it will dump heat outside of a case instead of it building up, as well as performing better).

If I had a great product I would WANT to shove it into the hands of "bias sites" and politely tell them to suck it and let the product speak for it self.
6 Feb 2010
TPU are another site that Roy tweeted "reviews need to be fair" and excluded them from getting a Nano. Seems a bit off to me and potential buyers will sift through many reviews before purchasing and make his/her own mind up from the multiple reviews. AMD only sending out to biased reviewers feels dirty and wrong.
Funny that you brought it up, as hasn't it been exposed in the pass that reviewers that were given free samples by Nvidia, they MUST follow instructions/settings provided by them to the dot for running the benches? :p
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20 Feb 2006
I don't even......

In truth though, I do think that the Nano will be crap but time will tell and hopefully I am wrong. I am just not into the HTPC/Micro builds and feel that the micro 970 would have been a big talking point if it was such a big thing but they went by without a mention and at the time of them being launched, not a single word from anyone, so not sure why the Nano is getting all this publicity. If it matches a FX, sweet but with an 8 pin (225W power), I just feel this launch is crap.

I think price will be the deciding factor with this card, like yourself I am not into the small form factors. I have a large case and like to see it full up. I still believe that from this AMD generation the Fury is the best card for price.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Yup, no more dirty and wrong than Nvidia being deceitful about hardware spec, condescending non apology's or gimping with Gameworks though :p

Neither company have ideal business practices.

At the end of the day, it all come downs to hardware imho. Nvidia are ahead, AMD are obviously having a big shake up to try and become more effective at market change with quicker responses. Should be good we all need competition.

Is the Nano going to get reviews today?

Two wrongs don't make a right in my book.
4 Feb 2006
Funny that you brought it up, as hasn't it been exposed that reviewers in the pass that reviewers that were given free samples by Nvidia, they MUST follow instructions/settings provided by them to the dot for running the benches? :p

Problem with AMD is they employ people like Roy who don't seem to have any skills in PR. First we had the 'Overclockers Dream' statement from an Engineer in a public reveal conference, then we have Roy who tweets stuff which should really be kept under wraps if it is indeed true.

Nvidia are experts in this area. They don't make any statements that could incriminate them at all. Look at the 970 memory fiasco. No employee said anything apart from their official statement and they got away with false advertising. The latest Async Shaders issue is also greeted with a wall of silence.



21 Oct 2002
Funny that you brought it up, as hasn't it been exposed that reviewers in the pass that reviewers that were given free samples by Nvidia, they MUST follow instructions/settings provided by them to the dot for running the benches? :p

Unfortunately that is standard practice for nearly all review samples in this day and age, In my opinion it is wrong and I would love to see great products stand on their own merits, but we all know how important those initial review benchmarks are. It is only us the enthusiast minority that really know how the system works, the average joe punter will be happy to go by the initial reviews and sale blurb.
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