Ok, fair enough. Where I live the prices are still around MSRP levels or a bit higher for the 6800xt.
Lets look then from MSRP to MSRP point of view.
7900xtx is 54% more expensive than 6800xt while being 51% faster.
7900xt is 38% more expensive than 6800xt while being 27% faster.
So both in the negative, meaning you pay more for less performance than previous gen! aka #breakthroughperformance!
Is still very, very bad. Look at may other post, these (7900xtx and 4080) should have been $500 cards based on
previous generation. But hey, people want to shave just $100-$200 to buy them, so it is what it is. Considering the price they sale, probably AMD and nVIDIA should have priced them even higher.
At worst the 7900xt should have actually been a 7800xt for $649 for a mediocre 6800xt replacement - at 27% ... is definitely not stellar! What performance the 7800xt would have now? 10% for the same money? lol worthy.
So yeah, quite bad. Hopefully next gen will bring a 8600 for $500 and a 5050 for $600. People will recommend the 8600 since is providing similar performance in rasterization and considering the inflation, R&D, YoY profits and so on, AMD and nVIDIA couldn't possible sell this any lower. "This is the state of the industry". Yeah, the GPU industry. The Wolf Of Silicon Valley.