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AMD RDNA3 unveiling event

Its garbage.

AMD behind on perf, RT perf, features. They only got the price going for them.

Nvidia ******* up with adapter + price. Owning performance.

This gen is **** :):):):)
And yet another disappointment from AMD. People never learn lol…

Why is it?

The performance of a 4090 will not be double a 7900 yet it's half the price of what OCUK are selling most of the 4090's for.

6900XT launch price was 999
7900XTX lauinch price is 999

I don't think anyone truely expected AMD to win performance they have most definatly won in value though.
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Why is it?

The performance of a 4090 will not be double a 7900 yet it's half the price of what OCUK are selling most of the 4090's for.

6900XT launch price was 999
7900XTX lauinch price is 999

I don't think anyone truely expected AMD to win performance they have most definatly won in value though.

You're basing what OCUK is selling the 4090 for, vs what AMD have said the price of the 7900XTX is.
Just wait and see what OCUK charge for the 7900XTX and put that against the 4090FE... Oh wait, suddenly it won't be vastly different :cry:

All in all, the AMD presentation was a s*** show. It's a shame because I was hoping it would be competitive

50% extra RT performance - so basically 30 series RT performance at the most, likely not even that. No rough benchmark numbers. Harped on about being the card for 8k and high frame rate 4k due to DP2.1 when their card is blatantly not going to be powerful enough to make use of it... Complete let down. Really wanted them to announce a card which competes against Nvidia so that we have more competition and lower prices. Yea, it uses 100w less... Who cares? I don't consider power consumption when I'm gaming, hardly anybody does. It uses 25% less power and looks as though it will perform 25% worse :mad:
You're basing what OCUK is selling the 4090 for, vs what AMD have said the price of the 7900XTX is.
Just wait and see what OCUK charge for the 7900XTX and put that against the 4090FE... Oh wait, suddenly it won't be vastly different :cry:

All in all, the AMD presentation was a s*** show. It's a shame because I was hoping it would be competitive

50% extra RT performance - so basically 30 series RT performance at the most, likely not even that. No rough benchmark numbers. Harped on about being the card for 8k and high frame rate 4k due to DP2.1 when their card is blatantly not going to be powerful enough to make use of it... Complete let down. Really wanted them to announce a card which competes against Nvidia so that we have more competition and lower prices. Yea, it uses 100w less... Who cares? I don't consider power consumption when I'm gaming, hardly anybody does. It uses 25% less power and looks as though it will perform 25% worse :mad:
yeah but dont forget weak pound or something excuse ready for goughing
Feeling positive about the announcement myself, particularly the suggested performance/price/energy consumption.

Just have to see the reviews and how the pricing works out for the rest of the product stack. Quite possibly finally moving my 1080 into the retirement pc next year.

Edit: Just had an email from Nvidia with still overpriced 3000 series.
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Was hoping for more benchmarks during the presentation of pure raster performance against the competition, even comparisons against RDNA2 would have been nice. Instead it turned into a glorified games conference at the midpoint lol. I think it's pretty obvious at this point that 4090 will still be top dog for pure performance, but if AMD can get stock levels flowing well and keep the prices low with exchange rates then they'll sell a ton of these things over Xmas.
4090 will no doubt stay top of the pile, top for power consumption and burning too. :)

Not interested in the very top tier myself, plenty of buyers waiting on the rest of the lines pricing I imagine.

Then again depending on the UKs financial state they may not be as attractive as they should be.
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Looking at the 40-series the 4090 is 16384 (£1699) vs 9728 (£1269) 68% less CUDA cores on the 4080.

So where does this put the RTX 4080 (16GB) vs the RX 7900 XTX (£1049), it can't be any faster? Surely they'll need to drop the price on the RTX 4080 soon after launch once they've scalped all the early adopters ofc.

Trying to get nearly double the £649 of the RTX 3080 is going to be a hard/big ask for anything but the most die hard brand supporters, unless RT is the main focus potentially. Going to be an interesting December that is for certain. :)
I was only half concentrating and probably been blind but I didn't seen any benchmarks against the rtx4090 or even against their last gen card. Did I miss these? Did they not include them as would have looked bad? Or perhaps they still tweaking final clocks so didn't feel could show true benchmarks?

The only good point was the price (scary to think just because its sub £1000 I say "good point") still expensive but in comparison to rtx4090 assuming it gets within 15% of this. Though I'm sure it'll be more like £1100-£1250 once the brands added their coolers and extras and sellers add their cut.

Edit- just had another quick look, I see 1.5-1.7 of the 6950xt.
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