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AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D CPU Burns Up

19 Dec 2003
Grimsby, UK
It's an Asus board I'm looking to send back...
No point having all the other bits without a motherboard, how's that ever going to work?

What I said was that we don't know if the others are any better, there's not been as much testing done (that we know of). Also if it's an Asus issue why have MSI (and I'd guess ASRock and Gigabyte) been releasing BETA BIOSes? What are they fixing?
I don't think I would touch ASUS or MSI anymore for GPUs or motherboards even though I like their BIOS layouts - both are just fancy marketing, branding and nothing else, their RMA is crap 6+ weeks, relying on the retailers to step in.

Gigabyte or ASRock for me.
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14 Jul 2004
Dear lord i just watched the gamers nexus video just now, he roasted asus hard :cry:
Sure did! It's not a good look for Asus. It looks like they don't know what they're doing, both the bios engineering and in the customer support. GM is the most respected channel right now for consumer gaming hardware. There's weight behind this. Mind you I don't think any of the other vendors, or even AMD should be let off the hook. x670e is far to expensive a platform for this kind of buffoonery.
14 Aug 2013
It's ALL a mess right now I'm just running everything stock, and I'm not updating to beta panic BIOSes either.

It's obvious AMD and the motherboard makers have screwed up to some unknown degree but at the same time GN do seem to be revelling in the moral grandstanding of the screw-up and enjoying it a bit too much to be impartial and actually offer objective facts on the state of the platform.
20 Dec 2022
It's ALL a mess right now I'm just running everything stock, and I'm not updating to beta panic BIOSes either.

It's obvious AMD and the motherboard makers have screwed up to some unknown degree but at the same time GN do seem to be revelling in the moral grandstanding of the screw-up and enjoying it a bit too much to be impartial and actually offer objective facts on the state of the platform.
Yes I tend to agree on this point, The Gigabyte PSU`s, Man he had to try hard to put them on fire and the same with the 12+4 gpu power cable, Yes he gets to the truth but he does like the clicks. Then it disappears as fast as it comes.
21 Oct 2004

So Jays2Cents have ended their partnership/sponsorship with Asus with this situation being the final straw it seems.

He even says "when you can say Asrock is more stable and reliable than Asus, its self explanatory"
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20 Dec 2022
If they updated the bios to the beta bios?.......without a warrenty :( ( thou I assume you could always reflash old bios )
Yip you sure could do this but to me the bigger point is that the resale point of these Asus motherboards has just fell like a stone and to me this is important to be able to buy the latest new gen motherboards to offset the cost. I mean a lot of people avioded buy Gigbyte PSU`s.
12 Jun 2021
Asus charge top Dollar for their products. With that extra money spent you should expect more and you should expect them to have actually tested the products and that the fail safes like OCP actually work.

Instead what they have done is remove older bios from downloads and puting out a beta bios that they say invalidates your warranty if you instal it. Questionable in my opinion.

Yes the AM5 platform is new but this is not a month after release ,AM5 has been out for well over 6 months and without the exploding cpus showing that 1.4v was too high would Asus have done anything?

All Asus care about is profit and they are in full ass covering mode to try and protect those profits but this should have massive ramifications for future sales. I would imagine they sold 50% of Z790/B660 and X670/B650 motherboards with the other 3 main players fighting for the other half but it will be real interesting to see how this effects sales for the next gen Z890 etc. I was already off Asus mobos after several failures but will the market shift in a dramatic fashion, I am not so sure because Asus are almost a cult like Apple.
6 Apr 2023
Yip you sure could do this but to me the bigger point is that the resale point of these Asus motherboards has just fell like a stone and to me this is important to be able to buy the latest new gen motherboards to offset the cost. I mean a lot of people avioded buy Gigbyte PSU`s.

All this will blow over - may take a year to completely blow over, but it will.
Asus will come out with some half assed apology and a non beta bios fix.
They will honour warranties for damaged boards and AMD are honouring warranties for damaged CPUs already.

Initial value of some ASUS boards will drop, but it will recover once the issues are resolved and the laundry has been fully aired.

Asus have no other way forward now but to do the above - and they are not stupid (well not that stupid) so they will at least do the above and *maybe* make some improvements to support.
The internets have spoken, they will yield.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Asus charge top Dollar for their products. With that extra money spent you should expect more and you should expect them to have actually tested the products and that the fail safes like OCP actually work.

I've taken apart a bunch of Asus products over the years either due to failures or being old and wanting to salvage components, etc. something I've noted is they are often poorly thought out with bits just slapped in anywhere, things added in last minute to fix production issues and held in place with silver tape, etc. etc. even on the premium products. There are some exceptions like the original Eee was fairly well designed.
26 Apr 2017
Instead what they have done is remove older bios from downloads and puting out a beta bios that they say invalidates your warranty if you instal it. Questionable in my opinion.
warranty for the product dont change due to a beta bios...
If it would no company would offer such
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6 Apr 2009
Something's changed then as they have the most expensive B650E listed on overclockers and the most expensive B650 too, by a margin in both cases. Their X670E boards start at just £500...

Even the Gigabyte and ASRock issues?

Yeah, I'm having the exact same issue. I've got a Asus Strix X670E-F and can't find anything comparable in that sort of price range.

I have my SOC voltage set to 1.24v so i should not be concerned, i think i am going to just stick it out as i get the feeling a new range of boards will hit later in the year.
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