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Poll: AMD Screws Gamers: Sponsorships Likely Block DLSS

Are AMD out of order if they are found to be blocking DLSS on Starfield

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  • No

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And there's the problem, if we tolerate this crap things will never change and only get worse.
We're way past that point. It was over the moment the tech media started widely shilling DLSS, a proprietary, vendor-locked technology, as being a Good Thing™ for PC gaming. Now it's just widely accepted that you're a moron if you didn't buy an Nvidia card, because why would you limit yourself to FSR and XeSS when you could have all three? Nvidia have successfully shifted the conversation beyond whether DLSS is a Good Thing™ or not, which is something they never managed to achieve with any of the stuff they've shoved into games that only works on their cards in the past. There was always pushback against things like GameWorks and PhysX. Now we get manufactured outrage like this when a game doesn't have proprietary technology that only works on one vendor's cards included in it. Jensen won. Get over it.

Then the remaining 10% does seem to become an either/or.
This just circles back to the old shocker of a company just doing the bare minimum it needs to that covers the most bases and then moving on.
As the vendor not on the consoles (well ignoring the Switch), and who has the better upscaler (all those tensor sensors better not be wasted on consumer GPUs or the PCMR would surely pitfork them like the age old "I don't want an iGPU on my Intel K CPUs"), then surely it is Nvidia who should be writing the super easy wrapper for game devs to use to ensure that once a game comes to PC it can use DLSS?
they both at it. put the fanboyism to one side, hud showed this, clearly there are games on either side that have been sponsered wiith no fsr/dlss. seems some folk are taking nvidia at their word that they dont block. when clearly some nvidia sponsored titles as missing fsr.

as i said before they both as bad as one another. what i find amusing is that folk are actually believing a trillon dollar company thats has a history ofscrewing gamers in the past and here and now.
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they both at it. put the fanboyism to one side, hud showed this, clearly there are games on either side that have been sponsered wiith no fsr/dlss. seems some folk are taking nvidia at their word that they dont block. when clearly some nvidia sponsored titles as missing fsr.

as i said before they both as bad as one another. what i find amusing is that folk are actually believing a trillon dollar company thats has a history ofscrewing gamers in the past and here and now.


This is what both of them did 15 years ago:

Fast forward to 2023,both seem quite happy to price around each other. Both were quite happy to help miners,the last three times its happened and they made too much stock for miners so need to shift it. Plus they want to normalise Pandemic pricing.

If we had a properly price/performance uplift this generation nobody would be caring about upscaling wars. This is worse than console wars.
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Nvidia have no problem letting devs put fsr and xess in their prompted games, so everyone wins. Diablo lV, a massive Nvidia partnered title launched with fsr, as has all recent games associated with team green

AMD is anti consumer actively blocking dlss, that is all there is to it, and people should not be making excuses for it. AMD deserves all the stick they are getting.
I think Tim said "pr blunder" about 117 times, once i think 8 times in 20 seconds. :cry:

Its not a pr bluder, Tim, people who only buy Nvidia cards complain about AMD blocking an Nvidia feature, as if AMD not blocking DLSS will make nvidia loyalists move over to AMD, come on Tim...
where is the proof that AMD is blocking DLSS? All I've seen is **** poor research, **** poor journalism, over reaction from nvidia fan boys. It's hilarious to watch.

I wish they would, i wish AMD would pull their fingers out of their collective rears and really really put the proverbial spanner in the DLSS works because clearly Nvidia are using it to over price cheap junk.

The sooner DLSS looses its god tier status the sooner Nvidia can't use it as a scam.
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Console looking more attractive every week.
Get one FF16 and GOW Ragnarok are better than anything the PC has to offer if you want a good story. If you are a gamer and not a master racer you are missing out if you don't have a ps5. FF16 looks great and the story and boss fights are off the charts good. Would i like more fps yea it would be good but once i get locked into the story and game play it's not an issue as i ain't a snob.
where is the proof that AMD is blocking DLSS? All I've seen is **** poor research, **** poor journalism, over reaction from nvidia fan boys. It's hilarious to watch.
The only proof is it's not in the game. The game has an upscaler that works for all gamers. It does not need DLSS which is propriety for a small amount of users. You gotta love these sites for trying to get more subscribers. AMD paid money to the developers and give everyone an upscaling option but are some how the bad guys here.
The only proof is it's not in the game. The game has an upscaler that works for all gamers. It does not need DLSS which is propriety for a small amount of users. You gotta love these sites for trying to get more subscribers. AMD paid money to the developers and give everyone an upscaling option but are some how the bad guys here.

so no proof then.
And there's the problem, if we tolerate this crap things will never change and only get worse.
What is your suggestion then, Boycott companies? .Because I do not imagine that will gain a lot of traction, we are a small minority and the majority just buy games/hardware and have no idea of what is going on.
The proof is in the pudding, as the sayIng goes, and at the moment, the pudding has no DLSS.
DLSS is not a requirement though. Only for a small amount of users does it matter. As above RTX cards are still a big minority and AMD cover all the other bases including RTX cards.
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