Im sorry, but having to be running Vulkan to get it at the 1080, it just doesn't excite me one bit, considering the amount of Vulkan games we got.
To get it at the 1080? There's no 1080 I can buy right now running at 2250Mhz out of the box, it's not a standard card. It's also well above the average max OC of 2050mhz most people.
I personally don't care what a GPU "could" OC to, I don't need that hassle for production and work systems; along with gaming. I only care for out of the box performance.
When I owned my 980Ti's and had issues, I was constantly told to drop my, OC, it's the OC. I never OC'd, and yet that's the general response in the NVIDIA driver forum I always got; until I ended up simply selling my cards. As it was clearly another issues with Maxwell, drivers, along with Adobe and Solidworks.
As it is, VEGA looks promising, and beats the 1080 in DOOM so far.
For yourself, and more of the minority OC'ing might be the only thing to look at. It's just that though, a minority, even smaller, than the market for top end GPUs.
I just want a decenl'y fast card I can buy and plop in, out of the box that suits my needs, and delivers performance.
Hopefully VEGA lives up to what people expect; but it really is silly comparing it to a halo 1080 that's a minorty of even overclocked 1080's out there; considering most hit that 2050Mhz limit.
Now if there were 2250Mhz 1080's Sold right now, at the very moment; that never dipped below that "base" factory OC; then it would be a card to actually care about.
As it is; I don't see how anyone can make the claim "VEGA 10 is only barely able to match the 1080" and actually mean it.
Yer, I understand where you are coming from and even I am starting to find it hard to justify spending over £500 for a top end card. I also hope that Vega does give the 1080 and TXP a good hiding and comes in at a decent price. It would help us consumers in the long run.
What really gets under my skin, is that the 1080 isn't a top end card. It would have been called the 1060 only a few years ago. That was until NVIDIA launched the 680, which was actually their midrange card.
I even bought that on launch day, it offered the performance I wanted at the time compared to the more expensive 7970. Sadly I only fed into their money pit, but then buying the 980, then the Titan X, and then two 980Tis. I helped contribute to the current issues; and honestly couldn't bring myself to do that with the 1080.
I almost go the new Titan X as well, only thing stopping me was that they refused to sell to Ireland. So now I'll just get the top VEGA card; hoping AMD's new tech is finally what they actually need to compete not only on price, but also performance.
Can't say I miss G-Sync anymore either; not since they released ReLive; that finally supports Borderless Window FreeSync.