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AMD Zen 2 (Ryzen 3000) - *** NO COMPETITOR HINTING ***

Seriously? A 'get in the queue' Are you joking?

It's more than likely, especially with the ease of Google and other online retailers to be a 'go somewhere else' fee.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I remember when a premium was added usually if you were a retailer with the only stock or one of the few that had stock. But now people are putting their money down to get in the queue when there isn't stock and paying a premium price for it.

It is just business, that if people want to put their money down at the higher price then why wouldn't you. So what are people paying for when there is no stock? ........A place in the queue when it comes in.

Then there is the type of person buying. I'm an impulsive buyer and if I cant have it delivered tomorrow then I wont buy it. I'll not pay loads over the top but when I get my Credit Card out making a purchase after sitting there after hours of deciding and researching, I want it in stock and delivered next day. Depends on the parts cost and rarity at my wallet opening time - then I'll pay a bit more.

It's your fellow enthusiasts who want it more than you paying the prices. If they weren't ordering and getting in the queue then the prices would be back to RRP. It's consumerism.
Seriously? A 'get in the queue' price hike? Are you joking?

It's more than likely, especially with the ease of Google and other online retailers to be a 'go somewhere else' fee. I've purchased from OCUK in the past, but when some of the CPUs are nigh on £100 more (i9 9900k) for example then I look elsewhere. It's just pure greed.


Sorry but when stock is low or no stock prices go up on nearly every item from food to damn Christina’s toys the amount of times I had to pay though the nose for certain toys for my kids at Christmas is unreal lol.

You bring up the 9900k it was nearly every major retailer that up the prices of the 9900k even Amazon was not much cheaper at said time same as the 3900x most major retailers are up to 520+ its easy to say use google but if u google 3900x and try to find one closer to the retail price of 479.99 it’s next to impossible atm if you want a 3900x from a major retailer atm is min 520 even going up to 579.99 there coming close to the intel 9900k premium atm which I do find funny
I'm not defending OC's in any way and I'm not going to try but do bear in mind there has been a slump in the value of the £ recently which will explain some of the price increase.
I'm not defending OC's in any way and I'm not going to try but do bear in mind there has been a slump in the value of the £ recently which will explain some of the price increase.

That would only hold if all other items increased by a comparable amount which they did not. The 3900x was also on back order so shouldn't have been affected as much even if it was the case.
That 9900k was only low at one massive retailer and probably knew the 9900KS (all core 5Gz guarantee) was coming or had too many 9900k's.

Private companies were making money out of binning chips. So they bought loads of retail stock, opened all the boxes and tested them. And people were, and are, willing to pay to not lose out on the silicon lottery and would pay more for the better chips. Enthusiasts, particularly those who may spend top end on MOBO & RAM won't want to enter the silicon lotto to only get a mediocre CPU. Privateers saw this, made some money. The manufacturers are now binning chips under the guise of the product stack and I read an interview 'tother day where an owner of a binning company recognized that the manufacturers had cottoned on that the silicon lottery doesn't need to exist. More money to be made by binning and creating a larger stack.

In fact I just looked at one company and they have 5 levels of binned 3900X's - difference between top and bottom is $340
BTW info for anyone interested.
If You are looking for best waterblock for Zen3 on the market

This is the one to go due to fins location and thick coold plate. Gotta wait and see how them 8pack blocks will be.
Finally got an update on my 3900x, should be within the store within 2 days. So I'll be picking it up next week :D
BTW info for anyone interested.
If You are looking for best waterblock for Zen3 on the market

This is the one to go due to fins location and thick coold plate. Gotta wait and see how them 8pack blocks will be.

Im waiting to see if anyone makes a block with an off center jet, so the cool water hits the side with the 2 ccd dies
Well new bioses new challenges. New settings passed 250% HCI also Ill leave for longer when I go to see new Quentin movie at 11.15pm tonight

@Illuminist thats what Iw been working on since yesterday hehe
This is with 1.4 volts on memory :]
Windows 10 setup screen went green on last few setup questions. Not seen that before, it went normal as it went in Windows though. Reinstalled again and it didn't do it the 2nd time.. Random bug? Hmm
Well new bioses new challenges. New settings passed 250% HCI also Ill leave for longer when I go to see new Quentin movie at 11.15pm tonight

@Illuminist thats what Iw been working on since yesterday hehe
This is with 1.4 volts on memory :]

Dat memory performance..... its huge.
Windows 10 setup screen went green on last few setup questions. Not seen that before, it went normal as it went in Windows though. Reinstalled again and it didn't do it the 2nd time.. Random bug? Hmm
Anyone else had anything like this? Hope it's not hardware related. Guess I'll just do some stuff or run some tests now and see how it goes
Anyone else had anything like this? Hope it's not hardware related. Guess I'll just do some stuff or run some tests now and see how it goes
Green screen of death. I'w seen it.... Normally its when memory or cache is unstable i can replicate any second by changing to aggressive cinebench15 performance Bias from gentle.
@humbug @Illuminist just finished night marathon 12 hours HCI memtest pass and I'w ran few benchmarks after no problem no need for reboot ect.
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