He said he did HCI memtest. Maybe hes got some faulty cou or mem kit died ??
Ah ok, if the mem kit died it wouldn't boot at all.
It could be that the Module simply failed to scrub out the AIDA64 data, turning Pro ODT up a notch might sort that.
DRam Calculator is useful for getting all those settings right, especially if running above XMP values.
Personally i wouldn't speed to much time on getting the last few Mhz out of RAM, simply cranking the IF clock up as far as it goes has the same effect.
Its that not the RAM speed which improves the performance, it was always that however with Ryzen 1000 and 2000 you had to overclock the RAM to get the IF clock up because they were locked together, Ryzen 3000 has the option to decouple it and set it manually.