Only it was, was released something like 2-3 days before launch. Like i said AMD is not, and can not be, responsible for what board partners and reviewers do, was it a dick move to release an AGESA update that reduced the thermal throttling limit by 5°C 2-3 days before launch? Sure, they would've known that board partners wouldn't be able to update board that had already shipped, they also would've known that very few review sites would go to the bother of retesting, however it's entirely wrong to say that this changed happened after release, it simply didn't.
Like i said previously though i agree with the sentiment that this mess is entirely of AMD's own making, however to say this change was introduced after release is simply wrong and to say Zen 2 is not reaching its on the box maximum boost clocks is also wrong. As I've repeatedly said in my opinion AMD have mislead people and been deceptive so I'm in no way attempting to defend such a move, releasing an update that changes your boost algorithms 2-3 days before public release is a dick move.
What I'm saying is that it's wrong to say this change happened after release and it's wrong to say processors are not reaching the maximum boost clocks written on the boxes, if AMD bother to respond, and i hope they do, it's important to understand the issue and how it came about.