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AMD Zen 2 (Ryzen 3000) - *** NO COMPETITOR HINTING ***

£149.99 3300X at ocuk.

Ahh the old supply and demand excuse. What a con for the consumer that old chestnut is.

They don't suddenly cost more to make just because there is more demand. If you were making a profit on the original price then you shouldn't be able to increase the price.
My upgrades are never simple and I always have issues with my temps :o. I just bought a 3700X, on a side note I seemed to have slightly higher idle temps with my 1700 (on a CH6 with a Kraken X52) but it eventually settled after some tweaking. Noticed my idle temps at stock with the 3700X were in the 50s which did seem high though this room does get warm. On another boot I noticed the CPU temps were in the 90s :eek: (BIOS and Argus). I then reseated the block and they returned to the 50s. However the computer just crashed and upon boot - the CPU temp was over 100!

Everything is running at stock and the CPU voltage was hovering in the 1.34 region (BIOS) and I have tried reseating the block several times. The Kraken appears to be working including the pump. Any ideas?
I will likely upgrade at the end of the year rather than get a next gen console etc. I currently have a 2600X and a B450i motherboard. I know I did an update to allow the (at the time) new generation of Ryzen but I'm a bit lost on the models etc now. I want to make the most of my 1440p 144hz screen so ignoring the GPU at this point, what is the next logical step?

NB: There may be nothing wrong with my current CPU, I'm just getting that itch.
My upgrades are never simple and I always have issues with my temps :o. I just bought a 3700X, on a side note I seemed to have slightly higher idle temps with my 1700 (on a CH6 with a Kraken X52) but it eventually settled after some tweaking. Noticed my idle temps at stock with the 3700X were in the 50s which did seem high though this room does get warm. On another boot I noticed the CPU temps were in the 90s :eek: (BIOS and Argus). I then reseated the block and they returned to the 50s. However the computer just crashed and upon boot - the CPU temp was over 100!

Everything is running at stock and the CPU voltage was hovering in the 1.34 region (BIOS) and I have tried reseating the block several times. The Kraken appears to be working including the pump. Any ideas?

Can you try the stock cooler that came with the 3700x?

It sounds like some mounting issue, but if you get the same sort of effect with the stock cooler then it's something else. It shouldn't be anywhere near 100 degrees!
Can you try the stock cooler that came with the 3700x?

It sounds like some mounting issue, but if you get the same sort of effect with the stock cooler then it's something else. It shouldn't be anywhere near 100 degrees!
Had the same idea but not sure I have the correct retention clips installed/at hand. Installed CAM (NZXT's monitoring software which appears to have had a welcome revamp) and everything looks fine in there. Idle temps ranging between 40-50.
Doesn't justify that ridiculous price, negates the whole appeal of getting the 3300x, like Raven said the 3600 isn't that much more

OK then, go elsewhere and buy one.

If a boat has just arrived with oranges. I am the only one to have the oranges no one else has oranges.

We all know that apple taste better than orange, and that oranges should sell for £5.

Apples are £7.50.

But because none else has oranges except me, I price the orange at £6.75 so I incentivise people for go for the better tasting apple over the orange and I make more profit on the sale.

You don't want the apple, then buy the orange.

You don't want the orange at £6.75 then wait for other retailers to come in to stock.

You still want the orange, then pay my prices.
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Had the same idea but not sure I have the correct retention clips installed/at hand. Installed CAM (NZXT's monitoring software which appears to have had a welcome revamp) and everything looks fine in there. Idle temps ranging between 40-50.

idle still sounds a little high considering you're on a AIO. My 3700x (PBO etc off) idles around 35 if nothing is pinging the CPU and tops out about 70-75 under full load in repeat CDR15/20 runs, and that's on a Noctua NH14.

I use HwInfo to records temperatures, is that what you use?
My upgrades are never simple and I always have issues with my temps :o. I just bought a 3700X, on a side note I seemed to have slightly higher idle temps with my 1700 (on a CH6 with a Kraken X52) but it eventually settled after some tweaking. Noticed my idle temps at stock with the 3700X were in the 50s which did seem high though this room does get warm. On another boot I noticed the CPU temps were in the 90s :eek: (BIOS and Argus). I then reseated the block and they returned to the 50s. However the computer just crashed and upon boot - the CPU temp was over 100!

Everything is running at stock and the CPU voltage was hovering in the 1.34 region (BIOS) and I have tried reseating the block several times. The Kraken appears to be working including the pump. Any ideas?

a) Do not use blob to apply thermal paste. The cores are off to the side not to the center.
b) X52 if 5y old model. Are you sure is working? I have a 3900X on D15 and doesn't see over 70 on dead silent (barely 30% fan speed).
Do you use the correct mounting bracket? Try use the stock fan the CPU came with and let us know how it goes. (following step (a) above).
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