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AMD Zen 2 (Ryzen 3000) - *** NO COMPETITOR HINTING ***

Deleted member 209350


Deleted member 209350

I think the best thing we can do is just wait a little longer for people like Easyrider and dg and let them find out for themselves when the Ryzen 7/9 chips actually get released (and destroy the 9900k :D )
1 Jun 2006
How aren't you banned for trolling yet?

why am i trolling what i said is true. i have amd rigs and intel. i have had literally every amd cpu since year 2000. still have many of them ! im just not company biased. i just buy what i need.

if amd are infront which i know from logic they arent in games. forget cinebench you can see previous ryzens above intels yet where were they ingames ? even the highest amd chip cant even beat a i5. so even if level by the time intel responds and these are out its no big deal. what is good we all get decent or maybe better priced chips. whether it be intel or amd. dont look at things how you think they are i have no bias to any company.
17 Feb 2006
I think the best thing we can do is just wait a little longer for people like Easyrider and dg and let them find out for themselves when the Ryzen 7/9 chips actually get released (and destroy the 9900k :D )
One thing we should all remember - AMD aren't going to give anything away for free.

If they offer better chips than the competition they aren't going to price themselves at 1/2 of the cost of the competing products (or even less as some suggest). To think this way is nonsense. Even if it happened before I really don't think it's going to happen in 2019. AMD are at pains not to be "the budget brand" if you remember.
1 Jun 2006
who is buying amd new chips for cinebench scores ? who is buying for actual gaming performance ?

honestly answer is you already know how this is going to end up. amd have just done what they always do. give as little info as possible. so all the diehards lap it up. then in six months time " quote me on this " intel will still have those same top end gaming cpus in front " look at all the amd demos they do this same stuff every time. i dont get why so many fall for it. use logic. not sales tactic to sell you a high scoring cb cpu when you buying it for a gaming chip lol.
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