I fully get where your coming from @Journey and i hope you are right. My experience with my journey with Ryzen so far though tells me that AMD got the binning process right with the original Ryzen release. They also got it right with Ryzen+, i can't see them getting it wrong with Ryzen 2.
It's a different kettle of fish though when you are in changing not just the node and process, but the supplier as well. I agree with you about the 14nm/12nm parts from GF however, they did seem to get the most from them but they really were pushing the boundaries of the process to get speeds from the Zen/Zen+ design. Interestingly I've had a great deal of luck with the 2600 CPU's, especially recently with most easily hitting the same as the 2600Xs I had previously used, but most of the 2700's were not great at all, which fits with the high bins for the 2700X.