No i didnt miss it
Im still not convinced we will hear much if anything on Consumer Zen2, if anything the Keynote will be about AMD's past, present and future, company aims and goals etc and not specific details about their products, afterall are the Keynotes not a general thing rather than a talk on specifics?
I understand people are expecting huge news, but im tempering my expectations by expecting little to nothing, then i can avoid the hype that normally surrounds anything AMD does and avoid the let down that pretty much always follows lol.
Dont get me wrong, im excited as anyone else for Zen2, i want to upgrade from my 1700 and X370 and Vega 64 as much as the next man, but im trying to keep a lid on the expectations and keep it in check to avoid getting disappointed and end up making a knee jerk Intel purchase out of disappointment lol.
Does AMD have a history of big announcements at CES?