You use “gotten”. Are you American?
I hate the way American language creeps into English speakers usage if it is less elegant.
Gotten...what’s wrong with got or become? We stopped using gotten years ago.
Off of...what’s the point of combining two words where one could do fine. What’s wrong with from?
Costed...this is the worst and even winds me up when used on American forums.
There’s loads.
Movie instead of film is fine and so to a point is show instead of programme.
I understand language changes but I feel better writing this.
I hate the way people on the internet need to make themselves feel better,by trying to pick up on insignificant rubbish.
Dash of water scientifically proven to improve the taste of Whisk(e)y.
A dash of water
is scientifically proven to improve the taste of Whisk(e)y.
Use a full stop.
And make landings faster than necessary.
Technically this is not incorrect,but it is not convention anymore to start a sentence with "And".
I have the flight sim software to calculate all this if anyone really wants to know the exact extra fuel for a certain type of aircraft and the dep/arr/alt airport based on the current weather,
Ending the sentence with a comma. Also some punctuation wouldn't go amiss.
I abstained this gen after looking forward to upgrading.
I don’t regret it.
It is "generation" since you like to be neurotic about terminology. Again you are missing a full stop or exclamation mark.
1080p shouldn't look horrible anyway as 4K is just 4x1080p screens and therefore doesn't need scaling.
Yes, 4K TVs all upscale but it's not always going to look nice
1440p looks good on my TV but just slightly softer than 4K.
There is a missing full stop in your second sentence,and the last sentence should be "1440p looks good on my TV but
is just slightly softer than 4K."
How about you Google how to spell?
It is surprising you like to use the verb "Google". It originated as a verb in the United States in 1998,it was first used on American television and was added to our vocabulary at a later date.
How please, disk management is only showing a normal partition structure.
How please
? Disk management is only showing a normal partition structure.Thanks.
I can also play at being neurotic too!
The delicious irony of moaning about my standard of writing,yet several of your own sentences are missing words and punctuation. Worry about yourself.