Just watching it and it doesn't matter if it was 'bottlenecked' at 4K, there was a fairly measurable benefit to the 3600X in SOTR at 4K. The 1440p showed the bottlenecking already. Interesting to see the difference though. I don't see how he's being such an amateur doing testing with the Radeon VII either. Using cards from both vendor's would be the way to see if there's an artificial issue with Nvidia drivers anyway.Uh most "reviewers" are terrible at benchmarking. lol @ his shadow of the tomb raider 4K High benchmark. A crappy Radeon VII would be so bottle-necked at those settings, then shows a 3600X with 58 FPS and a 9900K at 53 FPS. Literally none of those CPU's would even be close to maxed out yet he "Shows" a large gain with the 3600X. Total amateur.
Not sure why he ran Superposition though. It's not a CPU test

Though not sure how you can dispute the 2080Ti results at 4K