I mean overall it's definitely not worth an upgrade to Zen 4, from 13600K, but people overrate the price increases for AM5 mobos. The actual quality of the mobos has gone up substantially so that's why you won't find any that are starting very low, but at the same time those kinds of boards you wouldn't want to use in the first place. Imo the cost increase argument a lot of people have made is misleading because it didn't depict actual real scenarios and they just fixated on low-end low-cost parts that people don't generally pair together with the CPUs they're actually talking about.
DDR5 prices are definitely more manageable now, I think the biggest problem with them right now is a lot of people are still stuck on memory OC and forget that the gains are actually very small, so they overpay massively for what ends up as bragging rights rather than real performance. Especially for Zen 4 it's almost completely a waste of money.