Same situation. Sat there with a built system and no CPU. It was nice taking the time to build it though.I’m tempted to order a CPU today. It’s frustrating having a fully built system with no CPU. Damn you AMD!!
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Same situation. Sat there with a built system and no CPU. It was nice taking the time to build it though.I’m tempted to order a CPU today. It’s frustrating having a fully built system with no CPU. Damn you AMD!!
Same situation. Sat there with a built system and no CPU. It was nice taking the time to build it though.
I keep going back and forwards. Do I just get a 7600x now and then upgrade later. Or wait. Decisions decisions haha!
I would hold off if you can. At least when the 3d CPU’s have released you will know 100% if it’s worth going with one over the other and not wish you’d waited.I keep going back and forwards. Do I just get a 7600x now and then upgrade later. Or wait. Decisions decisions haha!
I would hold off if you can. At least when the 3d CPU’s have released you will know 100% if it’s worth going with one over the other and not wish you’d waited.
You’ve held off this long.
If you weren’t bothered and would be perfectly happy with a CPU that’s available now, you would have already bought one. Not long now.That’s what I keep telling myself as well.
If you weren’t bothered and would be perfectly happy with a CPU that’s available now, you would have already bought one. Not long now.
That must have been damn near unplayable in certain places especially. What a jump in performance though. I’ve always upgraded far too often to see such things. I wish I was smarter at times, but I can’t resist new and shiny.I upgraded from a DDR3 platform to DDR4 back when RAM prices were hyper inflated, i paid more for 16GB of DDR4 RAM than i did for the CPU, that being a Ryzen 1600, that hurt, but i needed the extra CPU grunt, i have no regrets, since then i got a £90 32GB DDR4 Kit and i'm running it at 3800MT/s with a Ryzen 5800X
Sometime you just have to hold your nose and do it, over thinking it you will never get off your old platform.
This was priceless.
i6 4690K
Ryzen 1600.
That must have been damn near unplayable in certain places especially. What a jump in performance though. I’ve always upgraded far too often to see such things. I wish I was smarter at times, but I can’t resist new and shiny.
I can't get excited about memory considering the negligible effect it has on gaming.
Think Windows power plans are a bit strange for AM5, Balanced = High and power saver drops temps of CPU, chipset, NVMe's and gets an extra 1K Cinebench score?
I get 1k higher than my previous best and much better temps but had a lockup while just browsing in Firefox so went back to balanced. Power saver mode has always been the least reliable.Noticed this on AMD selecting best power efficiency in windows 11 drops idle power and temps but cpu benchmarks remain the same
End of Feb right?I would hold off if you can. At least when the 3d CPU’s have released you will know 100% if it’s worth going with one over the other and not wish you’d waited.
You’ve held off this long.
End of Feb right?
One of the benefits as I see it to the X3d chips, if you're just gaming, it mitigates some penalty around the more sensibly priced but slower ram early into a new standard. You can jump in without agonising over which pricey ram set to get.
Ha! Valentines Day.. say it with Ghz's. <3I hope so but they’ve been a bit quiet about it. Initially the valentines date came up and then they took it back saying it was a mistake and would update everyone ‘closer to release’.
Just give us a date AMD pls.