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*** AMD "Zen 4" thread (inc AM5/APU discussion) ***

15 Oct 2019
78.6% vs 100%.

I didn't bother with the maths and i thought i would over estimate so you didn't come back at me with idiotic circular math reasoning.

But you did anyway so i will do the maths.

100 / 78.6 = 1.272 (+27.2%)

Can we stop this, please? i don't want my list of people to ignore to grow too long and i like the banter we sometimes have between us....

Did AMD just release a CPU that's slower in gaming and productivity than a year old 12600k while also costing more?
14 Nov 2005
Saying that raptorlake is DOA when literally the 13600k is almost double the performance of the 7600x isn't pro amd rhetoric and doesn't bother you, right? If you stop the pro amd nonsense, ill stop replying with pro intel facts. Up to you
You do not know the 13600K performance figures yet do ytou though thats the point. Fact is when Gaming at 1440P or 4k whether you have a Zen3, 4, Intel 12th gen or 13th gen it is going to make little difference over all. Only factor is if you require something with good MT performance in which case you get 7950x
4 Mar 2010
Yea' that's not a bad shout, I'm assuming they might be some time next year?
Supposedly getting announced at CES in the first week of Jan iirc, with them bringing 3 versions: 7950X3D, 7900X3D & 7800X3D.

I think it works to our advantage really, we've got a few months of Ryzen 7000 & AM4 release into the wild for any significant issues to present themselves, plus we'd hopefully have stock & prices settled so its not a case of buying whatever you can get your hands on.

It looks very good. I think anyone with a 5000 processor is going to struggle to justify it, but only because its was good investment then, and is still a good investment today. Theres not a huge gain to be had when you've got to buy a new Mobo & RAM, its probably better to kick the can down the road till the next generation and see a bump that justifies the expense.
That said, anyone making the switch has the ability to sell their old system, im tired of seeing arguments made for it being poor value needing to buy 3 new items vs 1 CPU, and then ignoring the resell value of the unwanted components.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Some of you are talking rubbish, look at the Anandtech review:

they are trustworthy.

so are techspot.

Reviewing CPU's to how it is in their opinion representative to reality is one thing, but it is an opinion, not a ####'ing CPU review.

If i want to know how fast a CPU actually is comparatively i go to someone with a technical, not journalistic, mind.

That has always been AnandTech.
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19 Jan 2022
Did AMD just release a CPU that's slower in gaming and productivity than a year old 12600k while also costing more?
Ιt's not really slower in gaming, they are really close / trade blows depending on the game suite used. Productivity yeah, it's bad. The 13600k will probably wipe the floor with it in both games and productivity.
29 Oct 2019
Anyone know what the idle/low load power consumption is like for Zen 4? Checked a few reviews but didn't see it mentioned. Interested to know if the 6nm process is much of an improvement over the gas guzzling 12nm I/O die in Zen 3.
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