Core parking on a 9950X in 24H2 is not necessary, like it is on a 7950X3D. In practice, there is no significant performance benefit from parking cores. In fact, having cores unparked can be marginally faster, though it may result in slightly higher power consumption and temperatures. If maximum performance is not critical and you prefer a slightly cooler CPU with lower power draw, then utilizing core parking and the balanced power profile would be advisable.
In order to get core parking working on the latest builds of Windows, all you need to do is install the latest AMD Chipset driver from the AMD website and then run this command - powercfg.exe /queryprofile scheme_current profile_gamemode CPMinCores
If all works well, you receive the message in the screenshot above.
If for some reason it says not found, or similar. Try running this comand - start /wait Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
Leave the PC to sit for 5 minutes, then rerun the first command. It should now show as in the screenshot above and core parking will work.
Note the process idle tasks command may run for 10 minutes or so as it cycles through various Windows background tasks one by one.