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*** AMD "Zen" thread (inc AM4/APU discussion) ***

18 Sep 2009
Hardware Enthusiasts buy stuff that's fun to play with, what's written on the box is pretty much irrelevant to them. and they try all products if they can.

And he can still do that and have a preference, which he does. Hence why his twitter handles description is what it is. Hence why his profile pictures are what they have been for the past however many years. Etc etc.

Saying he has a preference isn't dirty, it's not an insult.
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12 Jan 2014
Czech Republic
Cheers FlanK3r much appreciated buddy, although i have no idea how "Phenom II in 2009/2010 times was as i was using Intel at that time if i recall, i think a Q6600?

Phenoms II were very competitive. Example X4 965 BE was in average close to the i5-750. Classic single thread was a few worse than Intel, mutltithread was very similar and power consumption also very similar (maybe +-20W for all system). One year late AMD shocked with Thubans (Phenom II x6) chips. They figting with Intel core i7 Lynfield/Bloomfield. Bloomfield was better but much more expensive as complete PC (board+tripple channel RAM+CPU).



Phenoms II were good sensitive at CPUNB clocks, default was 1800 MHz and OC from 1800/2000 MHz to 2600/2800 MHz gave you big impact as almost 200 MHz CPU clock.

So Im thinking, Ryzen will be sometimes very competitve (special in mutlithread) and sometimes in some games very interesting. Of course, the clocks are much lower than Kaby Lake (clocks seems similar to Broadwell-E/Haswell-E chips). So this will be disadvantage in single threads or some games.
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30 Jul 2004
I sat and watched a heap of CES content last night in a search for any actual real news that we didn't know from the launch event.
It was good to see a decent array of boards in a wide range of form factors - at least we aren't going to be limited to full ATX :)
I havn't really changed my opinion at all from the launch event though - These chips are going to be a really big step for AMD and make them competitive in a wide range of scenarios.
I have a sneaking doubt about the clocks and dynamic overclocking technology. I think there are two options Either they are having some issues getting their overclocking profiles working correctly and that even with a lower TDP that they are still hitting big thermal issues at 8 core 16 thread which is why we are seeing 3.4ghz and they have not had the technology switched on yet. Or They have really got this one locked and we are going to see some really exciting results once you put this chip under even a standard water cooler like a H100i.

Honestly I think we could end up with the AMD CPU side following their GPU side - in that we will see something pretty cool but slightly behind Intel to start with - but following some updates over the first 18 months that the CPUs are going to get better and better.

I still think we are going to see very variable app performance but this is a completely new tech so again I think that will level out over time.

I also stick with my original guess about launch pricing not being pretty - but I think there will be a 6 core 12 thread chip out pretty quick at a really good price and possibly with much better clocks...
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
And he can still do that and have a preference, which he does. Hence why his twitter handles description is what it is. Hence why his profile pictures are what they have been for the past however many years. Etc etc.

Saying he has a preference isn't dirty, it's not an insult.

I don't think anyone is saying that having a preference one way or the other is an insult. They're all objecting to you asserting that he has a preference as a way of diminishing positive comments from him. You essentially dismissed the post with a "yes, but he's an AMD fanboy" argument. It's the dismissal which I think some find insulting and then trying to prove a preference to support that dismissal.
18 Sep 2009
I don't think anyone is saying that having a preference one way or the other is an insult. They're all objecting to you asserting that he has a preference as a way of diminishing positive comments from him. You essentially dismissed the post with a "yes, but he's an AMD fanboy" argument. It's the dismissal which I think some find insulting and then trying to prove a preference to support that dismissal.

I give up on this forum, it's just too toxic.
If you's want to turn everything into an insult, be my guest.
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9 Dec 2014
I have no problem believing that Zens IMC is capable of doing more.

But your post won't do it for me. Why does your friend have an ES more capable than a motherboard vendor? CES was only days ago after all.

I'm not surprised (or offended or anything) that my post won't convince anyone - it wouldn't convince me coming from anyone else, either :D

I don't know what stepping he has, but I know it's quite fresh. He got it about three weeks ago (just before Christmas).

I can't go into why he has it or what he is doing with it, but I'm actually surprised it took him this long to get his hands on it given his responsibilities. He gave me no heads up that he was getting it and won't tell me anything about it, really, but I've managed to eek out some not-so-useful data.

He expects quad core Zens to "happily" exceed 4GHz at 65W, DDR4-3200 CL16 is the only memory he has used with it, and he finds it competitive with Intel offerings for his company's uses.

It has taken me three weeks to get that much out of him... and like five phone calls. I'm not going into any more detail about him than that, his bosses know who I am... which is also why he doesn't tell me anything :rolleyes:


You know what just dawned on me? Rather embarrassingly... I never asked if he was running it at DDR4-3200 speeds or if he was running it at some other frequency. It may have been a DDR4-3200 kit, but he may have been running at whatever the board set it to stock, which could be DDR4-2133 or some such... phone call time, once my voice comes back... (stupid flu-like symptoms of an unknown flu-like illness that mimicks the flu so precisely you would almost think I had the flu... but no real fever of which to speak).
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1 Jun 2006
the thread was destined to end up this way from the start.

no info.no date of release nothing but speculation.

if its solid info fair enough have a thread when nothing is known it just ends up people trolling fanboying or general negativity.

some people are genuinley excited.hope it is great for those people interested.
12 Sep 2013
Has anyone spied any X300 motherboard previews yet? I'm hoping to build an ITX system in the next few months, and would love to go AMD for a change.

My next builds also going to be ITX or maybe MATX I haven't decided yet, It'll depend on the boards and what they have on them as I'll want an M.2 slot or a pcie for it. I'll be going with Ryzen or the 6 core mainstream chip Intel have coming in the coffeelake range. But like you I'm hoping AMD come through as my favourite all time rig was my Phenom II quad that eventually got replaced by an Ivy bridge cpu due to Bulldozer sucking. So both my eyes are on Ryzen for now, fingers crossed.
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5 Sep 2011
the thread was destined to end up this way from the start.

no info.no date of release nothing but speculation.

if its solid info fair enough have a thread when nothing is known it just ends up people trolling fanboying or general negativity.

some people are genuinley excited.hope it is great for those people interested.

Facts or valid opinions don't matter. I've been shot down for bringing some of the only substantialism lol. Unfortunately, people see what they want to see. NDA will be up soon.
1 Nov 2013
RE: Phenom II vs i5, the former hasn't held up nearly as well once games started getting very CPU dependent, when I play BF4 on an i5-760 vs X4 965, the i5 performs far better with much better minimum frames in particular.
15 Jan 2006
RE: Phenom II vs i5, the former hasn't held up nearly as well once games started getting very CPU dependent, when I play BF4 on an i5-760 vs X4 965, the i5 performs far better with much better minimum frames in particular.

AMD's graphics drivers are quite dependent on single threaded CPU performance. As a result, older AMD CPUs take even more of a hammering if you have an AMD GPU.

With nVIDIA GPUs - 1st generation i5s have held up better than Phenom IIs but you'd still see significant gains from upgrading either the i5 or PII.

Source: https://www.hardwareunboxed.com/gtx-1060-vs-rx-480-in-6-year-old-amd-and-intel-computers/
28 Sep 2014

It seemed all companies will offer free AM4 upgrade kits, great to see Corsair will offer free upgrade for all coolers.

Computerbase.de has full list of AM4 compatible coolers and free AM4 upgrade kits from all companies.


Saw interested reddit post from tamarockstar received email from Enermax support team hint on Ryzen and AM4 launch date.


Emermax and all other companies will sent out free AM4 upgrade kits after Ryzen and AM4 launch before or latest on 1 March 2017.
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