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*** AMD "Zen" thread (inc AM4/APU discussion) ***

12 Sep 2013
To be fair, pre-ordering something that you haven't even seen official benchmarks of is dumb.
I agree but AMD got plenty of pre-orders because of the hype around it being the first 5ghz cpu. And then on release day when the nda lifted we all saw that it was still slower than a 300 quid Haswell i7 in 90% of workloads while being more than twice the price, I imagine the pre-order people were gutted, especially when the price got cut in half a few weeks after that.
13 Jun 2009
I agree but AMD got plenty of pre-orders because of the hype around it being the first 5ghz cpu. And then on release day when the nda lifted we all saw that it was still slower than a 300 quid Haswell i7 in 90% of workloads while being more than twice the price, I imagine the pre-order people were gutted, especially when the price got cut in half a few weeks after that.
Can't be that bad, you can return unused stuff within 14 days no questions asked in this country.
26 May 2009
You're going to be sorely disappointed with expectations like that
What expectation? :confused:

That's historical fact not a prediction.

And as we are talking about cpu's you mustn't forget the release price for the 9590 which was offering just under 4770k performance for just over 700 quid.
But it quickly dropped to sub-£200 after AMD realised nobody was going to pay that for a £150 CPU with a factory OC. It's very unlikely they will make such a stunning pricing mistake twice, especially when they know this CPU line will make or break them, luckily they seem to have given up on their "we can be a premium brand too!" mantra.
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5 Sep 2011
I'll get in now or save being shot down in flames later lol;, seems since last year, Zen has improved on the memory front. We're talking as much as 20% potentially over what's been thought initially. But don't expect to achieve these speeds easily, or at all at launch. Good prospects for it's future, though as microcode and silicon improve.
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28 May 2007
I'll get in now or save being shot down in flames later lol;, seems since last year, Zen has improved on the memory front. We're talking as much as 20% potentially over what's been thought initially. But don't expect to achieve these speeds easily, or at all at launch. Good prospects for it's future, though as microcode and silicon improve.

What makes you say this?
19 Feb 2011
I'll get in early as well, rumor has it since Zen was first designed, its improved a lot, expect it to improve over its life span as well...

I heard this from a mate who drinks in a pub with a guy who knows another guy who once walked past AMD's office.
28 May 2007
Yes I'm just making it up...:)

I also know what you can expect from air cooling, too. But given the responses I've had so far, think I'll keep it to myself.

Don't envy you.

You say some stuff that makes no sense... I ask what makes you say that stuff. You say grapes... You expect what you've said to get flamed, you get flamed and have a pop...

This type of posting used to be called flame baiting... Just announcing your intention to flame bait is still flame baiting/thread dumping. Either you're full of it and trolling or you're operating with more information than anyone else. Either way spill beans or GTFO.
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21 Jul 2008
Either way spill beans or GTFO.

5 Sep 2011
You say some stuff that makes no sense... I ask what makes you say that stuff. You say grapes... You expect what you've said to get flamed, you get flamed and have a pop...

This type of posting used to be called flame baiting... Just announcing your intention to flame bait is still flame baiting/thread dumping. Either you're full of it and trolling or you're operating with more information than anyone else. Either way spill beans or GTFO.

Tell me what doesn't make sense to you? It's probably because you don't understand how these processes work in terms of validating speeds.

Maybe if you started out by saying you don't understand, I'd clarify.
You can't expect me to answer a question, if you don't ask one.
5 Sep 2011
I'm not under NDA, and I know fragments. I chose to share those fragments with you - it's not obligatory that you believe them. Like going all Luke being told who his father is for the first time-esque.

It's not transparent enough to me to state things outright which is why I've not done this yet.

I know that

1) DRAM overclocking is seeing (on some SKU) as far as 30% OC freq
2) I don't know in what capacity this is in terms of stability range, this may be only for validation purposes
3)This may not even be remotely possible at launch
4)Air OC range is aprox 18%
5)I might be making it all up
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19 Feb 2011
I haven't seen any performance numbers besides what you've probably seen yourself. So I'm as much in the dark there as you are.

So roughly 18% on air, which is probably around the same for a decent AIO, can expect water to push it further.

If for arguments sake we said 20%, and Zens 8/16 was a 3.7 base clock as rumored, your info says then it would OC to around 4.4, which is not bad, or is this 18% after its self boost thing? or with it disabled? its all kinda grey i guess.

Its fairly decent though 18%, thats not to be sniffed at.
5 Sep 2011
So roughly 18% on air, which is probably around the same for a decent AIO, can expect water to push it further.

If for arguments sake we said 20%, and Zens 8/16 was a 3.7 base clock as rumored, your info says then it would OC to around 4.4, which is not bad, or is this 18% after its self boost thing? or with it disabled? its all kinda grey i guess.

Its fairly decent though 18%, thats not to be sniffed at.

I was surprised to hear DRAM overclocking is seeing as much as 30% (last I heard from November it was far lower).

But what we've seen from vendors so far it's likely going to vary, some of them don't have the same level of resources available, so it's possible there's going to be a disparity there for the first few months whilst some catch up.

It's going to be interesting to see what's possible at launch. Also, think closer to 4Ghz, I wasn't basing it on the 3.7 base clock.
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