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*** AMD "Zen" thread (inc AM4/APU discussion) ***

6 Nov 2005
I hope they drop the NDA for reviewers a while ahead of the launch. Don't see why they wouldn't. With the Kaby lake it made sense to keep it as quiet as possible as long as possible so that they don't lose out on skylake sales in the weeks leading up to it. But it would only benefit AMD to have people holding off on buying CPUs in February.
20 Mar 2006
I hope they drop the NDA for reviewers a while ahead of the launch. Don't see why they wouldn't. With the Kaby lake it made sense to keep it as quiet as possible as long as possible so that they don't lose out on skylake sales in the weeks leading up to it. But it would only benefit AMD to have people holding off on buying CPUs in February.

Totally agree, I was about to hit buy on a kabylake setup until I saw this thread...
6 Nov 2005
any news on mini itx? oh man im with a itch also already have all parts to build a pc just need the cpu mobo and gpu

They have a couple ITX specific chipsets, x300 and either A300 or B300 (seen both reported) the chipsets will offer less connectivity than their big brothers unfortunately, but as you've got less space to plug stuff into I'm hoping it won't be a problem. The X300 will allow for overclocking, and I'm personally really interested in getting one, assuming Ryzen lives up to the hype :)
12 Sep 2013
I hope they drop the NDA for reviewers a while ahead of the launch. Don't see why they wouldn't. With the Kaby lake it made sense to keep it as quiet as possible as long as possible so that they don't lose out on skylake sales in the weeks leading up to it. But it would only benefit AMD to have people holding off on buying CPUs in February.

Holding back review releases would make sense if Ryzen has issues or can't compete with the competition but fingers crossed it hasn't and they launch with a competitive range of cpu's.
I'm looking forward to the release day/end of nda day.
30 Jul 2004
Holding back review releases would make sense if Ryzen has issues or can't compete with the competition but fingers crossed it hasn't and they launch with a competitive range of cpu's.
I'm looking forward to the release day/end of nda day.

It also makes perfect sense if they are still tweaking the software and waiting on driver support from partners to achieve the best launch day results.

It is also just what happens in the industry and we all know it. Reviews are always released on launch day. We want it to be different and we are desperate for news - but it has not happened on any major CPU or graphics card launch in the last couple of years and isn't happening this time. It implies absolutely zero about the performance of the chips.
6 Nov 2014
Totally agree, I was about to hit buy on a kabylake setup until I saw this thread...

I totally agree, I am seriously debating a 7700k upgrade from my 3770k. I'm worried the silence from amd, so close to launch is not good. Surely, if this is so brilliant, they should be shouting about it and stopping people buying Intel?
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