Why does 8 cores matter? Did we need better VRMs when we had 125W dual cores over 125W single cores, just because more cores? Did we need much better VRMs to be able to overclock a quad core at 125W over a dual core at 125W? Nope, cheap mobos with 'basic' VRMs performed near identically outside of extreme LN2/phase change overclocks, so why does a 95W octo core need better circuitry than... I don't know, 140W octo core Bulldozers, just because? Cores doesn't matter, power usage does, this uses less power than Bulldozer did at launch by over 40%, but now only a £250 mobo will overclock it?
Agree some thing seems a little off maybe things still need refining with the bios on certain boards re power ....tests i have done myself from cheap end boards to high end boards with same cpu mem psu ect ..all netted about the same in terms of OC ....Yes i understand more phase's help with cleaner more stable power ...but surly a decent b350 should still clock well ..or is it that these zen chips need vast amount of voltage to oc hence would need more phases..
i am hoping its just teething problems with the new arch
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