The RX 480 4gb has brought down the price for the type of performance offered to £199. Heck, Nvidia have just launched a 3gb "1060" for £189. Up until a few months ago that sort of performance would cost far more.
Was it as good as I expected it to be? yeah, it was actually. But then it's all about expectation isn't it? you expect too much you end up disappointed.
I expect Zen to be what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. I certainly won't need it myself as 6c 12t running at 4.5ghz is more than enough for me. However, I suspect that I will end up buying Zen in the future because I have no faith in modern day motherboards at all and history could well end up repeating itself leaving me with a dead board and a perfectly working CPU that I can't use because the boards are not available any more, or, priced extortionately.
If manufacturers actually made things to last I would still be using my 3970x.
Any way, apologies for digressing there. Looking forward to this muchly. If they can make a decent affordable quad core to go with the RX 480 I can see more people picking up PC gaming.
So that's good I guess