An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

errr, how do I add mods?

Downloaded an .esp file - doesn't appear to need extracting, so copied to data file location. In Oblivion data file GUI, it appears and can select it, but try and load from any save file and it hangs.

Have I done it right? I downloaded the ultimate archer mod from tessource...
iJedi said:
so ive decided to treat myself this easter weekend to a new gfx card, now rather than read 77 pages could you guys either what pages in the thread to read or let me your recomendation ie nvida or ati etc
ATI cards run better in Oblivion so if you want an upgrade purely for Oblivion get a ATI card.

Have a look at these articles:
iJedi said:
Got this the other day great game so far the only thing leting it down is my gfx card... im running it on a 9800 se bleh! (it runs but only just) so ive decided to treat myself this easter weekend to a new gfx card, now rather than read 77 pages could you guys either what pages in the thread to read or let me your recomendation ie nvida or ati etc
How much have you got to spend? AGP?
If you're going for an AGP card, I think the BFG 6800GS (nVidia) is probably the best value for performance gain. I had a 9800Pro AGP card and upgraded to a BFG 6800GS for a mere £160 just before Oblivion arrived. Glad I did as it runs quite nicely: med to high detail = 40fps in dungeons and around 25fps outside which is perfectly fine with me.

Of course you could spend more money and get a better card still.
Garp said:
From what I can tell in the game its hard to be a complete jack-of-all-trades, which is what you're proposing essentially, you want to have all the right stats for thieving, marksman and magic? I suppose next you'll be telling me you want to go wading into battle as a warrior with claymores and heavy armor too, relying on your phenomenal strength and endurance that you've worked up alongside your other skills?
To be honest, I reckon if you want to be a major magic wielder, start off as a mage, battlemage or the like, not as a thief/marksman. The magical abilities you've got are more to give yourself an edge, like healing, curing disease, detecting life, opening locks, that kinda thing, not going in with massive firestorms raging, obliterating all in your path.
About the only thing I can suggest is doing something to seriously boost your intelligence stats, be it enchanting your armor or potions stuff. Off hand I seem to recall having in my inventory some nice potions I've made that fortify my magicka, and boost the recharge rate. On a similar theme I've got some very nice ones that fortify my health and healing rate at the same time. They're great in tough situations :D

I don't expect to have as near as much magika as any type of mage, but even simple healing spells, chameleon spells and other ones that would be useful for my character require more magika. A spell I obtained requires over 1000 magika, I dont expect ever to be able to use it, but it wouldn't be there if mages couldn't, so if mages are going to be having over 1000 magika, at level 20 I would have liked to have a little bit more than 100, maybe 200. But I will try the enchanting idea once I have a set of armour I won't be swapping in a while.
Fx-Overlord said:
I think it damages the weapon permanently. However, its not really much use when the enemies have high level weapons which can take quite a lot of damage. For example, i created a spell to disintegrate my ebony longsword for 30pts for 2 seconds, so i can level my armorer skill, but after those 2 seconds only about 8% of my weapon had been degraded. :(

Offhand I think I'm doing 150 odd points of disintegration, at the moment I'm disintegrating most baddies weapons with a single hit (possibly ovverkill, but it'll certainly give me an edge in the arena :D)
Simaster14 said:
I don't expect to have as near as much magika as any type of mage, but even simple healing spells, chameleon spells and other ones that would be useful for my character require more magika. A spell I obtained requires over 1000 magika, I dont expect ever to be able to use it, but it wouldn't be there if mages couldn't, so if mages are going to be having over 1000 magika, at level 20 I would have liked to have a little bit more than 100, maybe 200. But I will try the enchanting idea once I have a set of armour I won't be swapping in a while.

As your skill in the spell's governing school (e.g. Destruction, Illusion etc.) goes up, the magicka cost goes down, so spells that are out of reach now will become available as your skill increases. Maximum magicka is 300 I think, but thats with a Breton and Mage birthsign, normally 200 with Intelligence of 100.
AndrewP said:
As your skill in the spell's governing school (e.g. Destruction, Illusion etc.) goes up, the magicka cost goes down, so spells that are out of reach now will become available as your skill increases. Maximum magicka is 300 I think, but thats with a Breton and Mage birthsign, normally 200 with Intelligence of 100.

Ah ok, I thought the maximum was around 1000 or more, but I forgot about the magika cost decreasing.
Simaster14 said:
Ah ok, I thought the maximum was around 1000 or more, but I forgot about the magika cost decreasing.

Yeah, finger of the mountain costs me 860 atm, with 140pts shock damage over 5ft, and i'm level 72 desctruction. At level 100, it costs 277, 4 more than my magicka atm.

Max magicka is 400. high elf with + the apprentice birth sign iirc
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What does soul trap do? Does it increase charge on soul gems? It seems pointless at the moment. :(

Also Dispel... what is that?

I also enchanted an Elven bow with Damage 25 for one second. :D It seems to kill everything in two shots. :) Only trouble is I only have 18 shots to go around... :( I also have a Elven Sword with the same attributes, d'yu reckon I could beat umbra with it?

Finally, with health, it says that as you sleep it increases but my HP is still like 212 and I've slept for many, many days.

Oh, and I see a thing called 'hours waited', what is this and how can I do it?
Fx-Overlord said:
Yeah, finger of the mountain costs me 860 atm, with 140pts shock damage over 5ft, and i'm level 72 desctruction. At level 100, it costs 277, 4 more than my magicka atm.

Max magicka is 400. high elf with + the apprentice birth sign iirc

Cool, once I get my skills up I should be able to use a few more spells, good good. Also, anyone know where I can learn corrode armour/weapon spells? The disintegrate armour/weapon spells require too much magika at the moment, but I hear corrode costs more. Anyone know where?
Royality said:
What does soul trap do? Does it increase charge on soul gems? It seems pointless at the moment. :(
Soul trap is cast on creatures and once they die they will fill up an empty soul gem in your inventory. You can then use that filled gem to recharge magic weapons or enchant a new one.

Also Dispel... what is that?
Dispel clears magic effects I think, so dispel on strike could get rid of a shield/resistance spell the target has cast on themselves, for example. Never tried it myself.

I also enchanted an Elven bow with Damage 25 for one second. :D It seems to kill everything in two shots. :) Only trouble is I only have 18 shots to go around... :( I also have a Elven Sword with the same attributes, d'yu reckon I could beat umbra with it?
Probably, I took her down with a 20 frost damage ebony longsword at level 17 or so.

Finally, with health, it says that as you sleep it increases but my HP is still like 212 and I've slept for many, many days.
Health points only increase when you level-up, the increase depends on your Endurance.

Oh, and I see a thing called 'hours waited', what is this and how can I do it?
You can wait by pressing 'T', can do it most places except while trespassing, there are nearby enemies etc. Useful for regenerating health/magicka/fatigue, and killing time if you have to wait for a quest event.
Dispel is used to stop the attacker having magic applied to him, so you can break a magic shield or another speel the attacker has on him/her (at least that's how it is in the Final Fantasy RPG's)
Dutch Guy said:
Dispel is used to stop the attacker having magic applied to him, so you can break a magic shield or another speel the attacker has on him/her (at least that's how it is in the Final Fantasy RPG's)
I think it works for all magic effects, so you can also cast it on yourself to get rid of negative effects.
I think its for situations where you have npcs fighting with you, sometimes they run off, rally should stop them running away .
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