An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

squiffy said:
Bit stuck on "Brush of Death" I've used turps with my sword, but it only lasts for one strike, it takes three applications to kill a troll. But their are roughly 5 or six trolls.

I never even used the turps to kill the trolls (forgot all about it until afterwards).

I just used the same tactic that works on pretty much every creature in the game, jump on a big rock and fire target spells/arrows at them as they run around aimlessly beneath you. :)
Ive just made it out of the sewars :D

The graphics are amazing, got it in 1280x1024, 2xAA/8xAF, HDR on, and have the view distance, grass detail etc... all ramped up, only the Actor fade and that is what the game started with, i.e i left em at default, and its running great, i thought it would crawl when i came out of the sewars, so i dropped the distance, and the grass down by 20 clicks of the mouse, but seen as it was running great when i got out as i said, i stuck em back up to full, and it was no different, just loads of hills, trees, and everything appeared as the distance was ramped, gona stick it to 16xAF see if it still runs sweet. :cool:

Then it started to thunder, and hoy down. :eek: :D

EDIT: 16xAF now, no diff, still running sweet as. :eek:
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squiffy said:
Bit stuck on "Brush of Death" I've used turps with my sword, but it only lasts for one strike, it takes three applications to kill a troll. But their are roughly 5 or six trolls.

You dont have to kill all the trolls, i did that one and only killed 2. Just go out to the left and over the rocks to your rear and that leads you to where you need to go. Unless its random i spose. But i used the arrow technique to get a critical hit in the ran backwards peppering them with normal arrows.
Trixxy said:
I never even used the turps to kill the trolls (forgot all about it until afterwards).

I just used the same tactic that works on pretty much every creature in the game, jump on a big rock and fire target spells/arrows at them as they run around aimlessly beneath you. :)

Tis a spoiler for the whole game ;)

I have to admit ive been using barrals and large stones are cover and long sword tatics/bow n arrow tatics lol

Its a good game but the AI and the way the charactors are u can turn around and there like hello havent seen u before, even though u spoke with them for 10 minutes.... few flaws. Oh and is it me or are there like 20 captain picards in each city?

If I do the main quest of the Amulet of the rings will that complete the game quicker? I could proberly spend the next year doing all the quest but dont fancy it...
What bugs me is when you talk to a begger, and they are all crocky and poor sounding, then you ask then something else, and its a totally different voice actor, all posh... Its very odd.
HighlandeR said:
If I do the main quest of the Amulet of the rings will that complete the game quicker? I could proberly spend the next year doing all the quest but dont fancy it...

depends what you mean by completing the game. You'll finish the main quest quicker if you do the main quest - makes sense doesn't it?
NumptyUK said:
You dont have to kill all the trolls, i did that one and only killed 2. Just go out to the left and over the rocks to your rear and that leads you to where you need to go. Unless its random i spose. But i used the arrow technique to get a critical hit in the ran backwards peppering them with normal arrows.

lol I just took them head on one-by one, they were tough buggers too but no match for my Mageblade armed with Umbra and a variety of powerful spells. :D
Lanz said:
What bugs me is when you talk to a begger, and they are all crocky and poor sounding, then you ask then something else, and its a totally different voice actor, all posh... Its very odd.

True thats something I think wasnt quite catered in its like they have got actors to read and act out different replys to different situations and I think they reuse some of the voices on others even so they cant quite do the same croaky voice ;)
Minor spoiler warning regarding guilds and brotherhoods...!!!!

I am currently doing the Dark Brotherhood quests and got a note from a lady saying I can join the Thieves Guild, but what happens when I do that quest and join the Thieves Guild, won't that upset the Dark Brotherhood?
Dutch Guy said:
I am currently doing the XX quests and got a note from a lady saying I can join the YY Guild, but what happens when I do that quest and join the YY Guild, won't that upset the XX?

Nope! Go for it, you can be in XX and YY guilds at the same time.
earlyflash said:
God I wish there was a mod for finding your horses, I've lost three in the forests now - they go off killing things, and I can't find the buggers.

Fast Travelling seems to do the trick for me. I just do a fast travel to a nearby location and voila, my horse is back. I really got mine lost the other day, tried "detect life" on max distance to try and spot him, but to no avail. Fast travelled to a nearby cave and I was back on him.
earlyflash said:
God I wish there was a mod for finding your horses, I've lost three in the forests now - they go off killing things, and I can't find the buggers.

Doesn't bother my evil character as he just kills and steals, or just randomly finds them in the countryside.

BTW I do think there is a mod for that, and you carry a bone or something to request the horse to heel or something.

Edit: This might be the one, there's loads! Horse mod
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My flatmate always loses horses. He thinks they turn up at the stables you bought them from eventually. You might want to try looking in the stables?
Andr3w said:
and how did you start it!

To get the DB quests, murder someone.

Listen to incidental conversations going on around your character and you'd pick up all sorts of handy hints like this.

Not sure about thieving, I just randomly had some bloke come up and ask me if I wanted to go to xxx location to meet someone interested in buying my stolen goods. Great, but it was a quest item I had to steal... my good dude isn't interested in being a thief.
smoove said:
Can anyone post me their .ini file? Mines gone abit corrupted :(
If you delete it and start a game a new default INI will be made from the default INI in the install folder.

[edit]Another question: How/where do I repair magical items like a hood? [/edit]
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Dutch Guy said:
If you delete it and start a game a new default INI will be made from the default INI in the install folder.

[edit]Another question: How/where do I repair magical items like a hood? [/edit]

A weapons/armour shop, or some of the Fighter Guild porters, talk to them and click the hammer icon. It's pretty expensive, so best to get your Armourer skill to 50 and then you can do it yourself :).
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