An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

Brynn said:
Bored of this game already :(

curse my short attention span, done the first oblivion gate and a little bored :(

I've had it two days and no sign of an oblivion gate yet, busying myself with Mages guild quests. Try taking a break from the main quest for a little variety.
bungler said:
Sorry. I've been using "tdt" but that shows other information as well. I saw the "setdebugtext 12" in the official forum as only showing the fps but hadn't tried it yet.

I just loaded the game up to check it and you need to enter "setdebugtext 12" first and then enter "tdt" to show only fps. Remove all quotation marks.

ok thanks it works now :) ive just tried fraps aswell and they report pretty much the same figures.
I'm outside in the open with trees and grass around. Ive been playing around with the settings and found that most of the options including HDR, AA, Bloom, shadows etc dont make much of difference to performance what does make a big difference is the grass and view distances.
Im getting 38fps with vsync on (either in nvidia settings or Oblivion settings), but when i turn vsync off i get 65fps but i cant play with it off because its noticably choppy :S not sure what else to do other than overclock my CPU a bit more and tweek the grass/view distances..

I also tried the "Max frames to render ahead" from 3 to 0 - it didnt make a difference!
Mr Spoon said:
I'm outside in the open with trees and grass around. Ive been playing around with the settings and found that most of the options including HDR, AA, Bloom, shadows etc dont make much of difference to performance what does make a big difference is the grass and view distances.
Im getting 38fps with vsync on (either in nvidia settings or Oblivion settings), but when i turn vsync off i get 65fps but i cant play with it off because its noticably choppy :S not sure what else to do other than overclock my CPU a bit more and tweek the grass/view distances..

I also tried the "Max frames to render ahead" from 3 to 0 - it didnt make a difference!

65fps with vsync off, i'm jealous :( , I've got the same gpu as you and I'm getting 30fps tops outside and sometimes drops to 10fps, If it was'nt for conroe and AM2 on the horzion I'd upgrade to AMD, damm my love affair with intel, over these last few months tho that love affair is slowly turning into resentment :mad: .
DinAlt said:
Hi all,

Picked this up this afternoon - oddly enough only the second person in my town to buy a copy I was told - this was about 4pm.

Overall not bad - the graphics aren't as fantastic as the hype was making out but then again they don't cripple my system either (playing at 1280 x 960 on ultra high quality).

One thing that really really anoys me though is that this is so obviously developed for the 360 not the pc - its got an abysmal UI and it defaults to using the joystick with no method of switching it off without editing an ini file.
This is a very lazy port - the tutorial even talks about "using the stick" to perform certain actions.

The 2nd major problem (and it's directly related to the first is how the hell can you play a mage with only 8 hot keys (which aren't even shown on the screen whilst your playing) when you start with around 15 spells - I imagine this will only get worse (my mage just unlocked the 2nd tier of summoning spells and needs to train/buy them so I'm guessing that'll be more spells I need to swap out in combat)

Overall as I said not a bad game but this isn't a modern day Baldur's gate or even Neverwinter Nights


Thank god for modders, thats one of the advantages of pc games there are lots of ppl out there that will soon be uploading mods to make all these little problems go away.
-Tauren- said:
Where do you sell stolen gear?? I am in the thieves guild, but i dunno where to sell anything. I cant find these thieves im supposed to sell to. :confused: :confused:

I'd also like to know this. I've stolen a load of gear from a few places and need to get rid of it quick :p
Just got out of the game from my continuing quest for all the recommendations into the mages guild.

I seem to be getting my arse kicked by zombies a lot, just wondering when I am going to be able to get some more spells? do they come to you when you lvl? or do you have to buy them off people?

My shield is next to useless. They attack me and I have my shield up but they still do loads of damage, damn thing.
working my way up the Arena ranks at the moment... up to bloodletter but need a quick/cheap/easy way of getting heal potions (my magic isn't doing too much... i'm using a flame+weakness to fire combo that works well, along with some nice big attacks from my sword)... anybody care to help out?

i haven't moved too far out of the Imperial City yet, although I do have two quests that take me to Kvatch and Fkingrad so might start making a move out soon :o

on level two at the mo, but about to move to level three if i can win this next battle (done this battle twice now and both times have been told to go and rest because i've leveled up but have died both times). :-/
I've played a little over 8 hours now. First adventured a bit around the start point, did a few quests and explored a bit, then went to chorral to do the main quest and join the mage/fighter guilds. After that, I went to the Imperial City and climbed up the arena, Warrior rank now. Just closed the first oblivion gate. :)

Great fun :D
Well, I am a Blade person, and am doing a load of run around spying on people missions, while running around on my horse :cool:

This game, well, it is probably the best I have seen yet, by a long way.
Someone above commented about spell/weapons slots.

9 is plenty. I'd expect most of the time for you only to need access to one spell from each of the different schools of magic (for isntance, a fireball from destruction, self healing from alteration etc). This leaves plenty of slots for a close range weapon (blade) and a long range weapon (bow).

To be honest I'd be quite happy if there were no hot keys and you had to go into your inventory to change each time, I certainly don't see a need for more.

Someone else asked about new spells. Generally you don't get these by advancing in the guild. You either find them, make them (higher levels only), or have to buy them - try general stores, some book shops and branches of the mages guild.

Someone else asked about where to sell stolen goods. Once you're a member of the theives guild, as your contact about all his conversation options. One will tell you about an operative you can sell to.
Nieldo said:
Just got out of the game from my continuing quest for all the recommendations into the mages guild.

I seem to be getting my arse kicked by zombies a lot, just wondering when I am going to be able to get some more spells? do they come to you when you lvl? or do you have to buy them off people?

My shield is next to useless. They attack me and I have my shield up but they still do loads of damage, damn thing.

SPOILERS. Highlight to read
Levelling just seems to increase the difficulty of the creatures in the dungeons :p. The zombies have weakness to fire, so if you have a weakness to fire spell, cast it then cast a fire spell. Also, if you can turn undead then use that and chop them with your sword when they run away. Try and "pull" the zombies one at a time into areas you've already been, but sometimes you just have to face a bunch of em :o. They are pretty slow so unequip any weapons, put always run on and just keep running around them and dodging them, and use spells. I have to say that's one of the tougher mage recommendation quests i've done, and i've done 4 ;)

You have to buy spells also, which can be very expensive. Remember to haggle for them when buying from people off of the mages guild. Since, your disposition is high, you can susually get the spells for about 75% of the price

nikebee said:
working my way up the Arena ranks at the moment... up to bloodletter but need a quick/cheap/easy way of getting heal potions (my magic isn't doing too much... i'm using a flame+weakness to fire combo that works well, along with some nice big attacks from my sword)... anybody care to help out?

SPOILERS. Highlight to read

How good is your alchemy? If its decent you can make restore health potions out of bolete cap, boar meat, venison, lady smock leaves, aloe vera leaves and a host of others which i've not found yet ;). If your any good at dodging then I suggest when a melee fighter misses, or you block try and use a touch spell as there it damages quite a lot and uses little magicka. Also, try and keep your armour and weapons undamaged by getting an armorer to fix them. BTW i'm only bloodletter atm (i'm level 7) but i won my first match, first time
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Has anyone done the first fighters guild mission in anvil, I am a knight and cant seem to follow the person successfully to catch them when they drop the meat.
lowrider007 said:
65fps with vsync off, i'm jealous :( , I've got the same gpu as you and I'm getting 30fps tops outside and sometimes drops to 10fps, If it was'nt for conroe and AM2 on the horzion I'd upgrade to AMD, damm my love affair with intel, over these last few months tho that love affair is slowly turning into resentment :mad: .

Actually, with everything maxed out my FPS is terrible when im around loads of trees and grass, even worse if im holding a torch. Ive seen it down to 12fps and it hovering about 20 :confused:
anyone found the main performance killer settings ?
Mr Spoon said:
Actually, with everything maxed out my FPS is terrible when im around loads of trees and grass, even worse if im holding a torch. Ive seen it down to 12fps and it hovering about 20 :confused:
anyone found the main performance killer settings ?

Yeah, the grass :p

I'm on an oced 6800NU and have turned off the grass and turned down the texture quality to medium, and turned HDR to bloom. Why the game defaulted having these things on, I don't know. Thats given me a good boost.
Can I swear, stamp my feet, then cry at the fact that I now want this game, but have a very busy few months/year with my uni finals then moving and starting training and am severly broke anyway??
I've never even played any other elder scrolls games. Curse the jaw dropping eye candy!
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