An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

Cybergangster said:
My wife is expecting to give birth at some stage this week and yet I feel I'm anticipating the arrival of my game more than that of the baby right now!!! :eek:

Good golly - I can't believe I just said that!

Weve just had a baby and I struggle to find time to play on the PC... a shame as this game looks to be very good but requires sooo much gametime invested into it.
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nikebee said:
how the heck do you start off that quest?
i've bought the house and gone into the basement and theres a weird door that i can't open... no idea what to do with it now??

care to post a spoiler pretty please :o


Try having a snooze in the bedroom.
After about 20 hours of gameplay I did the first Oblivion gate this evening along with the related Kvatch stuff (no more said so as to avoid spoilers).

Quite challenging, took me a couple of hours and several reloads to do!!

I've seen another Oblivion gate but going to leave it for now as I'm yet to do anything at the Arena and so want to give that a go.

I'm also quite getting into the mages guild quests.
Been playing about 9 hours gametime, lvl 6 and arena champion and several other things. Im new to this type of game so ive done a lot of random wandering around etc.

Thought i would clear up some quests i missed early on.

Where the hell is ancotar the invis wizard, ive looked everywhere for him.

Help! :(
Paa` said:
Where the hell is ancotar the invis wizard, ive looked everywhere for him.

The one right at the start?

He wanders about down in the ruined fort near the town. You should hear him shout at you to leave him alone or something along that lines.

And then what do you do?

Ive wandered around that entire area 10 times over every square inch of it and only heard him once..

Is there a easy way to find him or specific time?

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Loving this game but have made a **** up early on by discarding the arena armour somewhere :eek: I'm level 9 now and fancied some arena bashing but can't partisipate without that damned armour. Does anyone know if it's possible to get another set or find the one I discarded (without realising I needed it). I've tried highlighting the arena quest but nothings highlighted on my map (other than the chap who lets you fight).

here's my biatch with a rather large weapon :p

Once you get close to him he'll come and speak to you. You might be able to see him, as there's a sort of shimmer where he is. He can be anywhere in the fort though including at the front entrance.

I need some help with the fighters guild if possible, I joined them in Chorrol and they didnt seem to have any quests for me, I'm now in Skingrad and although theres a lot of talk about Goblins I cant seem to get quests. Or is the Goblin thing they talk about a quest? doesnt seem to appear in my journal, any suggestions please as to how to get started with them, thanks. Im level 13 now after about 14 hours of gameplay and have only done the first quest on the main storyline, amazing so far, can't wait for new card on weds.
SpudMaster said:
Ive been playing for almost 9 hours now and still at level 1 :( I dont normally play rpgs much so am i missing something. why aint i leveling up! :rolleyes:

You need to rest (go to sleep on a bed) before you level up ;)
oblivion performance

well i spent most of Saturday trying to overclock my PC to get this thing to run at a higher frame rate - impossible! no noticable performance from 2.8Ghz to a hot 3Ghz. Overclocking the video card made some improvements, but it was overclocked anyway to 502/1300 Mhz.
Inside houses and dungeons etc, it hits the frame limiter at 75fps which is good! but outside all the trees and grass are very demanding. After loads of messing around Ive decided to stick with all settings on MAX, with HDR and an outside FPS of down to 20.

piccy here

piccy 2 here

*the host shrunk pic1 because of the filesize
Mr Spoon said:
well i spent most of Saturday trying to overclock my PC to get this thing to run at a higher frame rate - impossible! no noticable performance from 2.8Ghz to a hot 3Ghz. Overclocking the video card made some improvements, but it was overclocked anyway to 502/1300 Mhz.
Inside houses and dungeons etc, it hits the frame limiter at 75fps which is good! but outside all the trees and grass are very demanding. After loads of messing around Ive decided to stick with all settings on MAX, with HDR and an outside FPS of down to 20.

piccy here

piccy 2 here

*the host shrunk pic1 because of the filesize

Im in a similar situation mate, faily similar rig as well, Opteron 146 oc'd, 2gb OCZ RAM and a 7800 GTX 256mb. Everyone on max is fine inside, but some area's outside are very demanding, whether its 1024x768, or 1600x1200, makes no difference. So im running at 1600x1200 to get rid of some of the jaggies with HDR on.

I was a bad boy and bought an X1900XT though, got it really cheap, so after selling 7800GTX will only be costing me about £100 to upgrade, probably wont make much difference but its not a lot of cash for a mini upgrade.

edit: got the same mouse and PSU as well :)
Well after reading a lot about this game and posting on here I have decided to go and get the game when I go uni tommorrow.

Way I see it is I have finished a project soI deserve it :D

Spoke to my bro and he is ganna upgrade my PC from a 1.8 CPU to a 2.0 CPU

Should make a little difference.

Will post again when I get it and play it.

Can't wait :D
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