An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

Odds are you'll have increased your skills enough time to go up multiple levels. If there is an Icon to the right of the compass with (i think) an upward arrow or similar in it, it means next time you will sleep you will level up. Keep sleeping until this disappears :)
What are peoples machine specs?

And what settings are people playing olbivion at?

AMD 3500+ 2gig x800xt pe

2 * AA
Texture size large
Distant draw off

Had to turn DD off as I was getting major jerkyness at somepoints, this was cured when exiting and reloading obliv.

I do find if DD is on the grass drawing looks abit pants.
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P4 2.8 (HT)
1.2GB DDR2
6200 <= waiting for permission* to up to a 6800** :(

800 x 600 with everything pretty much turned off. Runs ok, but man is it ugly!

*permission=wife :D

** will a 6800 be ok with this or should I be looking for a better card? I can't justify anything more than about £100 really.
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Spacky said:
What are peoples machine specs?

And what settings are people playing olbivion at?

AMD 3500+ 2gig x800xt pe

2 * AA
Texture size large
Distant draw off

Had to turn DD off as I was getting major jerkyness at somepoints, this was cured when exiting and reloading obliv.

I do find if DD is on the grass drawing looks abit pants.

A64 X2 3800
2Gb of 4000 munchkins
X1900 XT-X

Everything set to max, 1280x1024, 4x AA and bloom - ran just as well with HDR but i think bloom looks better (love AA) .

Mostly silky smooth, but a very small stuttering for about 5 seconds when I fast travel to a new area and it's loading stuff.

X2 4400+
X1900XT CrossFire :D

2560x1600 :D
Ultra High Detail settings as autodetected by setup prog.
Changed uGridsToLoad to 7 in the .ini file
Messed around with the Grass settings to draw it further away
FPS as low as the high teens in forest areas :eek:

Bit disappointed in certain areas of the game, still hasn't stopped me from getting hooked though :) The console-port interface is a real let-down IMHO and it's definitely not the most stable game ever, hope we see some good patches/mods soon.
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Grass is really the bum in the old frame rate, I was glad to get outside from the dungeon when I did, disspointed in how the grass is drawn out across the hills.

Think I may need a reformat in time, not looking forward to that I assure you.

Says HDR is not supported guess thats the X800xt PE for you :(
Set-up in Signature.
Running at 1440x900 max settings, HDR.
Runs fine, don't know what frames I am getting but seems ultra smooth with the indoor environments and more than acceptable outdoors.
I found a strange thing here, I'm not sure what setting caused it but I found that grass seriously affected my performance so knocked it back to be drawn reasonably close, I then messed around with HDR and lost AA (which I'm starting to prefer) The grass used to popup in the distance and just look a bit crap when it did, now it kind of fades into view very nicely meaning that you don't really notice the lack of it in the distance! Not sure wha did it though :)
Sweetloaf said:
I found a strange thing here, I'm not sure what setting caused it but I found that grass seriously affected my performance so knocked it back to be drawn reasonably close, I then messed around with HDR and lost AA (which I'm starting to prefer) The grass used to popup in the distance and just look a bit crap when it did, now it kind of fades into view very nicely meaning that you don't really notice the lack of it in the distance! Not sure wha did it though :)

I think I may follow suite on that idea :)
i think HDR looks better even with no AA. bloom looks a bit dull / grey IMO.

When i was creating my character and messing with my appearance, the whole character kept dissapearing to a black background - anyone else seen this problem ?
Mr Spoon said:
i think HDR looks better even with no AA. bloom looks a bit dull / grey IMO.

When i was creating my character and messing with my appearance, the whole character kept dissapearing to a black background - anyone else seen this problem ?

I can only suggest a driver re-install? guessing youv'e tried that?
I'm not convinced yet either - struggling really with low frames per second in busy areas. Havent even started the game properly due to the fact I'm farting around with the settings too much to enjoy it. It runs like a dog tbh although it looks impressive.

X2 4800 @ 2.52ghz
2 x 7900 GTX SLI
2GB ram

Everything up high apart from AA.
hi ppl stuck on mission in imperial city where theres a rogue watchmen harrasing shopkeepers and surpose to talk to jensine but she wont tell me about it so can continue on the quest shes at max diposition using the rotary thing any ideas
Oblivion seems to running pretty fine for me on full specs 6 x AA etc.

x2 4400+
2 gig ram
x1900 xt

Not tried that setting outside yet tho!

I'm rolled as a high elf mage but got a little question. My spell effectiveness is at 78%, im sure i read somewhere that wearing armour changes the effectiveness? I'm trying to run about in heavy armour but im obviously not very strong so cant really wear a full set, am i MEANT to wear like a cloth robe or light armour generally?

Cheers :D
X2 4400
2GB Ram
7800 GTX Extreme Edition.

No HDR, Bloom on.
4 x AA
8 x AF
Ultra high detail as autodetected by setup.

For the most part it runs fine, it does get a little low on the old frames per second when I'm outside, especially at night and if I'm using a torch. Doesn't really impact the game much though.
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