An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

then its down to speed if its just a one on one fight, run in hit run out avoid their swing, repeat till they fall. if theres a lot of them i can always summon scampy to distract one, although he usually ends up hitting me with a fireball!
Feel like a bit of a numpty for asking casue i no its been posted before but its a big thread can some tell me how to take screenies ive changed the ballowscreenshot=0 to 1 in oblivion_default (only ini file i c) but print screen dosent seem to be taking them.

EDIT: Definetaly feel like an idiot now, found an ini file in the save folder and i assume thats where you change the thing.

EDIT EDIT: Hmmm still doesnt work
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Last Kronin said:
Feel like a bit of a numpty for asking casue i no its been posted before but its a big thread can some tell me how to take screenies ive changed the ballowscreenshot=0 to 1 in oblivion_default (only ini file i c) but print screen dosent seem to be taking them.

EDIT: Definetaly feel like an idiot now, found an ini file in the save folder and i assume thats where you change the thing.
you also have to make sure that you've got AntiAliasing turned off, it wont take screenies with AA turned on.
nikebee said:
you also have to make sure that you've got AntiAliasing turned off, it wont take screenies with AA turned on.
Which is odd. Would an external programme do the job?

And whilst I'm here, where is your sig from? Black Books?
Last Kronin said:
Finally worked but the effect i was hopeing for seems to be more obvious now as it doesnt show when using x6 aa...

Going by the sconce on the wall it doesn't look like you've got any AA on..or is that the conversion to jpg that's done that!?

My system's similar-ish to yours - A64 3200+, 2GB of ram, 6800GT. I run mine at 1280x1024, 4xAA and 16xAF (set via the Nvida graphics settings) with the grass turned down a fair bit in the game options. I get around the 20-25 fps mark outside and a fair bit more in the cities/indoors which is perfectly fine for this game. I then use fraps for screen captures. Might be worth a go on yours.
Well about 15 hours in and I have concluded that my Wood Elf sneaky sniper type can't actually hit anything very hard with her 36 strength, and I'm going to waste many levels just to bring it up to scratch.

So I'm thinking of creating a better character. I want a character who can carry lots of phat lewt and sell it at high prices, and also sneak and snipe.

So how does a Redguard with Blade, Block, Sneak, Security, Marksman, Destruction and Light Armour sound?

Alternatively is mercentile a good idea? Are there really nice, really expensive items that I will need to save for? I don't want to waste lots of points on Merantile or Persuasion and then have nothing to spend my money on. Or will being able to carry lots and sell them at a normal price make up for it?
SiD the Turtle said:
Well about 15 hours in and I have concluded that my Wood Elf sneaky sniper type can't actually hit anything very hard with her 36 strength, and I'm going to waste many levels just to bring it up to scratch.

So I'm thinking of creating a better character. I want a character who can carry lots of phat lewt and sell it at high prices, and also sneak and snipe.

So how does a Redguard with Blade, Block, Sneak, Security, Marksman, Destruction and Light Armour sound?

Alternatively is mercentile a good idea? Are there really nice, really expensive items that I will need to save for? I don't want to waste lots of points on Merantile or Persuasion and then have nothing to spend my money on. Or will being able to carry lots and sell them at a normal price make up for it?

Ypou wanna carry loads a loot then ditch Destruction for Strength, up destruction as one of your minors.
Fx-Overlord said:
There will be someone following you or attacking your horse! Just wait for a while in a city near some guards, and they will get their asses handed to them. I've never had it happen to me, but a fair few folk have.

I havent got a horse :confused:
Mr Blonde said:
Going by the sconce on the wall it doesn't look like you've got any AA on..or is that the conversion to jpg that's done that!?

My system's similar-ish to yours - A64 3200+, 2GB of ram, 6800GT. I run mine at 1280x1024, 4xAA and 16xAF (set via the Nvida graphics settings) with the grass turned down a fair bit in the game options. I get around the 20-25 fps mark outside and a fair bit more in the cities/indoors which is perfectly fine for this game. I then use fraps for screen captures. Might be worth a go on yours.

Cant take screenshots with AA on so turned it off for those pics and dont get HDR on the x850xt card
Last Kronin said:
Cant take screenshots with AA on so turned it off for those pics and dont get HDR on the x850xt card

So why not turn on AA, and lob a load of AF in for good measure and use fraps!?
I'm loving this game so much :) I'm not even bothering with the main quest (yet) apart from the first part when you hand over the Amulet of Kings. I'm playing the treasure hunter - I'm tracking down the 10 statues for Umbacano mainly, then taking other side quests as and when I feel like it. I've only explored about 40% of the world....maybe a bit less.

The level scaling issue has started to not bother me. In fact, the way I'm playing it really makes the game challenging and rewarding - every dungeon is a real battle and I have to really think what I'm doing. It's great.

I also like the way the mods work. I'm using a bow enhancement, arrow enhancements and deadlier sneak - that really balances things out nicely for me. I haven't touched the difficulty slider once yet - it's just about perfect at the default with those mods.
I dont really like using mods that will give me an advantage, like moe powerful weapons etc etc, only mod im using that would almost fall into that category would be the reduction of mp that heal spells use (about half what it should be) but since i dont use it while in combat, not that much of an advantage. Maybe when i complete the game ill try some of the more 'fun' mods like deadleir sneak and powerfull wepons.
Could someone please tell me where or how i can recharge the magical effect off my armour and weapons, its doing my head in.

Im almost certain I have done it once before is a shop somewhere but I have cant for the life of me remember where or how i done it.

As I understand it you need a soul gem or one of those stones that start with a V??? Or buy a recharge at the Mage's guild?

On that note, I don't understand how you can practically use magic weapons. I recently picked up a sword that steals fatigue off your opponent, but it needs recarging after every significant fight. In order to keep it fueled, I'll need to carry tonnets of soul gems. Or am I missing something?
You guys should spare a thought for little old me :(

I've had oblivion sitting on my shelf for over a week now but i haven't been able to play it for a single minute because just before it arrived, my 1900xtx borked and is on RMA. I somehow don't think it will work with the radeon 7000 64meg pci card i've got in there at the moment :(
LeakyMeat said:
Could someone please tell me where or how i can recharge the magical effect off my armour and weapons, its doing my head in.

Mages guild, try a few different ones until you meet someone that can do it :)
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