An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

Just cleared a mine of goblins... found a staff worth just over 20000 Septims lying on the floor - I'm only level 1 :eek:

I can't sell it though, no merchants have that much money :(
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Steven said:
Be careful! I stored loads of stuff in what I thought was a safe place for ages, then after a couple of very long quests I went back to get something and it was all gone!:mad: Does stuff stored in a house you own stay forever?

Thats why I'm loath to store anything anywhere... I've got stuff I need but don't want to carry round, like my arena armour. It weighs a ton but I don't want to lose it.

I might have to buy a house and see if it stays in there or do as Sweetloaf says and store it in Weynon Priory:)
Inquisitor said:
Just cleared a mine of goblins... found a staff worth just over 20000 Septims lying on the floor - I'm only level 1 :eek:

I can't sell it though, no merchants have that much money :(

Odd ive sold over 75000 worth of weapons to the shop in imperial city called the fighting chance.

Everytime i raid a dungeon or get any weapons i just sell them to her.

All i need is my staff and umbra sword and im good :D
Paa` said:
Odd ive sold over 75000 worth of weapons to the shop in imperial city called the fighting chance.

Everytime i raid a dungeon or get any weapons i just sell them to her.

All i need is my staff and umbra sword and im good :D
Yeah but she only has about 1000 septims doesn't she? Merchants can't buy individual items for more money than they have.
That bug i menetioned earlier happened again, was in a dungeon and sneaking when i spotted a monster so drew my bow, held it at full draw for a few seconds and released only for it to hit the monster and propel it into a pillar all i could see was an arm flapping about and foot moving as it tried to get out of the pillar to attack.

Edit: if your in the thieves guild and at a high lvl cant you sell the high priced stuff to the final fence, cant remeber what his total amount for buying is though.
Having problems getting away with killing people / stealing. Broke into someones house, nicked some stuff and gave him a good old kicking, next thing i know a guard appears from out of nowhere and charges me with stealing ignoring the dead body behind him lol. How does it work exactly? I dont understand how they keep knowing.
CliffyG said:
Having problems getting away with killing people / stealing. Broke into someones house, nicked some stuff and gave him a good old kicking, next thing i know a guard appears from out of nowhere and charges me with stealing ignoring the dead body behind him lol. How does it work exactly? I dont understand how they keep knowing.
Voila :)
You need the "No Psychic Guards" mod

Guards need to see, or be in hearing distance of the crime to have it register. I recommend you use the "Harder" version of the mod - which makes people's rep/influence with you drop to 0, and attack you - when you get caught.

Its funny - I broke into someones shack, robbed him while he slept and he woke up. So I punched him in the face :p He jabbed me back, so I charged up a punch and let fly...almost took him out, but the goon decided to run off, so I gave chase. Guards saw the benny-hill-esque chase sequence, and joined in. I died, but died laughing :D

If you don't use the "harder" version, you can basicially rob people blind in broad daylight.
Hey all.

Been reading through parts of this thread and have been lured into buying it :) The old dear picked it up (well i hope) for me so I'll play it later. Few questions though. I'm not sure which class to be :/ Is being a mage type character who can use melee attacks effective? I'll either be that or a stealthy thief type character. Can anyone give me some recommendations please? :)

I've also read a little bit into this major skills stuff and how you level up ineffectively if you choose the wrong skills. I heard basically choose the skills you're going to use LEAST so you can decide when you level. Can anyone confirm this and give me recommendations on which skills to choose please? Little overwhelmed atm :) Thanks
You will definately need some type of magic, its not only about skills as different races have different abilities, the dark elf assassin im playing as has quite a lot of fire resistance as a race speciality (comes in hand when facing wizards that throw fire balls i laugh at thier puny attempts will sliceing and diceing them with my big sword :D )
sniffy said:
Hey all.

Been reading through parts of this thread and have been lured into buying it :) The old dear picked it up (well i hope) for me so I'll play it later. Few questions though. I'm not sure which class to be :/ Is being a mage type character who can use melee attacks effective? I'll either be that or a stealthy thief type character. Can anyone give me some recommendations please? :)

I've also read a little bit into this major skills stuff and how you level up ineffectively if you choose the wrong skills. I heard basically choose the skills you're going to use LEAST so you can decide when you level. Can anyone confirm this and give me recommendations on which skills to choose please? Little overwhelmed atm :) Thanks

I'm a custom battlemage with high magic (60+) and good melee skills (50 blade, 40 block and heavy armour) and high sneak 50+. Pretty effective, but i've found that i use magic more than anything else, but that's maybe since i have a really rubbish weapon :( I have pretty good allround ability but i do get pummelled by lots of players when i run out of magicka. (that's the time to run away :p)

If you choose the major skills as the ones you will use the least, you should have a better rounded character compared to someone at a similiar level but who had chosen their major skills as the ones they use the most (a bit like me). I find levelling too quick tbh, but i like having magic at such a high start value, since it's easy and quick to get all the cool spells.

EDIT: most of the skills are important. The ones that i would consider aren't are speechcraft, mercantile, hand to hand, acrobatics and athletics. Depending on your class, you could also find sneak and mysticism not too useful.
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My magic points is only at 128 and ill say this just 2 spells wipe it out, handy haveing the mod that halfs the mp taking when casting heal ( which i use quite a lot)
Last Kronin said:
My magic points is only at 128 and ill say this just 2 spells wipe it out, handy haveing the mod that halfs the mp taking when casting heal ( which i use quite a lot)

LOL, if i used that mod i would have tons of magicka, and would probably not run out in a big fight. I'm at 250 atm :p
I'd say a battlemage type character is definately one of the easier characters to play.

That's the type of character I usually go for. My blade skill is in the 90s, and destruction in the 60s... all through use, I haven't trained a skill once.

Blade skill of 90 plus a decent rated weapon (20 or so) makes all but the toughest enemies die in 4 or 5 strikes.
Cheers peter.

Can anyone give me some input on a thief type class please? Do they sneak up on enemies and use high damage moves similar to a rogue in WoW or are they just good at robbing people?

Thanks :cool:

This games sounds awesome! :D
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