Andor (Star Wars)

Are you still here? I thought you had a temper tantrum and asked to be deleted.
are you still cluttering threads with off topic crap?
Yes, because posting a video concerning a ship in 'Andor' in the thread called 'Andor' is off topic.

Methinks it's time for your meds.

2 times disrupting the thread now.

I'm guessing you made the pointless video since you took offense to my post asking what the point in the video is other than to try and farm add revenue
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are you still cluttering threads with off topic crap?

2 times disrupting the thread now.

I'm guessing you made the pointless video since you took offense to my post asking what the point in the video is other than to try and farm add revenue
Yes, because posting a video about a ship in 'Andor' in the thread called 'Andor' is off topic. :rolleyes:

Methinks it's time for your meds.
Come on guys, please stop flirting and get a room.
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Come on guys, please stop flirting and get a room.
Nah, you're OK. I'm not that way inclined. And even if I was, I tend not to go for people with obvious issues. Although I have to admit, I do find it amusing that he seems to think I'm behind the Spacedock channel on Youtube. I wish I was, I reckon the revenue from that channel is pretty decent.

Anyway, just so his jimmies don't get further rustled, back on topic.


Now we'ver seen the Arrestor, I wonder if will we'll ever get to see the Interdictor Star Destroyers in live action?
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Hopefully they will make it more faithful to Rogue One and leave out all the emo soap opera nonsense.

At least its def only one more series so no reason for padding episodes.

I've loved the build up and the slow episodes. Its really built the characters up and hence you have skin in the game when something major happens. There was much less of that in Rogue One. Half the characters I didnt care about when they died.
Oh ****!

I'm gonna say i'm slightly disappointed so ill only give it 9.5 out of 10 for an end. I dont know why i just wanted a touch more but i guess this is truly just the beginning after all.
Honestly everyone got a payoff. What a fantastic show and to think that was Star Wars too....
Some great acting in this, poor Diego Luna is just outclassed non stop, though he does do the sad puppy dog eyes extremely well.

We all knew it... but it was very cool to actually see it
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While ago I started watching this but stopped as found dialogue too quiet. And D+ free trial came to an end.

Well, had the same on Wednesday today.
So I turned up the centre speaker a bit and really helped. If I get another free trial. Of D+ I'll give this another go
So i presume this is basically a prequel to rogue one film since the timing seems about right, one of the characters is in both and s2 seems like it might tie into it too.
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