Mandolorian 9/10
Another Star Wars series I have no interest in watching...This franchise is dead, but they keep flogging the dead horse...
Broadly agree. Mandalorian was best when it was low key ‘not interested in the big world story’ stuff. Boba Fett was terrible.Boba Fett series finally killed my interest. Didn't bother with Obi Wan and now likes like this is dog toffee too
Will see what others have to say here, otherwise i'll be skipping this cash grab too.
Did it even make it up the hillSLOW burn lol
Its fine but i suspect its going to go down hill fast.
Agreed, Mandorian is good but it gets over-hyped and rated too high way too much, however on the back of the awful trilogy i'm not surprised with recency bias kicking in. It has some stellar episodes but it's a 7/10 show at best.I mean I enjoyed it, but 9/10? It was the same story each episode just with different scenery.
If you took off his cool armour and helmet, and just had a regular bloke running around, it would have been crap.