Andor (Star Wars)

I liked it well enough, the plot this threadbare and thin, but the world-building is excellent, and the VFX are astounding. It only really started to pick up in the last 15mins of ep3. It has potential, lets see if it can forefill it

Oh and Bix is freaking gorgeous.

So far i would put this above most of Bobba Fett and Obi Wan Kenobi but Mando is still a lot better
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I am a Star Wars fan but this show just didn't interest me simply because we know the outcome. For people who have seen Rogue One (where I don't think he was a particularly memorable character in the grand scheme) is it still worth watching?
So many variations of British accents so far sounds weird, but I can't really say why! Not really noticed such "strong" accents in other SW stuff. Story is slow so far (only watched first 2 episodes). I'm guessing it picks up in episode 3 hence the release of all 3 parts at once.

I was much more into Mando, Boba and Obi Wan at the end of their respective first episodes, let alone the 2nd.
I guess this is 12 episodes so has time to get going.

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Boba Fett series finally killed my interest. Didn't bother with Obi Wan and now looks like this is dog toffee too :(

Will see what others have to say here, otherwise i'll be skipping this cash grab too.
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Boba Fett series finally killed my interest. Didn't bother with Obi Wan and now likes like this is dog toffee too :(

Will see what others have to say here, otherwise i'll be skipping this cash grab too.
Broadly agree. Mandalorian was best when it was low key ‘not interested in the big world story’ stuff. Boba Fett was terrible.

Obi Wan started off intriguing and then became boring once it became apparent that the story didn’t add anything. It’s pretty hard to have an exciting Obi Wan vs Vader fight in a prequel to A New Hope….

I just have no interest in these now :/
Watched the first 2 episodes last night. I was just bored as hell, as was our main character it would seem. I did enjoy the parts with his droid though.

This isn't remotely anywhere near Mandalorian. Oh and Bix is damn hot.
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I mean I enjoyed it, but 9/10? It was the same story each episode just with different scenery.

If you took off his cool armour and helmet, and just had a regular bloke running around, it would have been crap.
Agreed, Mandorian is good but it gets over-hyped and rated too high way too much, however on the back of the awful trilogy i'm not surprised with recency bias kicking in. It has some stellar episodes but it's a 7/10 show at best.
Watched the first episode last night, visually the sets looked well but it was slow, I'll get the next episodes watched but does make me wonder if that's why they had to drop 3 to start with as they knew it was slow.
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