anime suggestions

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be warned, like most series your milage will vary.
Also note it is an early 80's TV series* so the animation and character styles will look dated.

But as a fan of most things Macross I've got it on order now :) (i've not seen the original series, just the movies and later series, so i'm largely buying blind on recommendations myself).

chances are it will still be available, and possiblly very cheaply in a few weeks/months, but Animeigo won't be making/sending any more out after the end of the month so stocks will be what is in the warehouses :( (a similar thing happened last year with unedited Sailor Moon and i think some retailer still had stock 3 months later)

*82 if memory serves
Strangley enough i saw that on Animeondvd and thought right time to go get the unedited version :) also ordered mine last night as well :D dont think i'll pick up the remastered though as then i'll have 3 copys of the same thing.

By the way did you guys hear about the new Macross/Robotech TV show being made? think it was called Shadow Force?
Originally posted by Lostcorpse
Strangley enough i saw that on Animeondvd and thought right time to go get the unedited version :) also ordered mine last night as well :D dont think i'll pick up the remastered though as then i'll have 3 copys of the same thing.

By the way did you guys hear about the new Macross/Robotech TV show being made? think it was called Shadow Force?


i've heard rumblings about it - i wonder if it will come off as well as the last "new" robotech thing they did (the Sentinals or something?) ;)

I don't have much faith in HG's creations;)
Originally posted by Werewolf

i've heard rumblings about it - i wonder if it will come off as well as the last "new" robotech thing they did (the Sentinals or something?) ;)

I don't have much faith in HG's creations;)

Well i think Shadow force is being created by the guy that originally created macross/robotech so it should be as bad as you think, i think i've seen a link to some info on it if you want me to find it.

Macross plus and zero are good, i also enjoyed Macross 7 an interesting take on things :) macross II isn't to bad.
Mac 7 had some good tunes in it and a cute second main star

Ow wolfy baby you know whn the ADV licence runs out for the genises climbers and souther cross unedited? i cant imagin it will be long after Animego's.
no idea about genesis climber or souther cross, but i think the licencing situation with them isn't quite the same as macross (HG's primary licence for Macross is from what i can tell pretty unusual both in the terms/length and the way they obtained it).

The only way I know about the uncut Macross licence running out is due to posts at AOD and Macrossworld.
Unfortunately for some reason most companies don't tend to tell people much in advance if a title is going OOP (sometimes it's just a note in the retailers order sheets), which tends to lead to a rush as people try and pick it up before the cut off date.

re M7, you're right about the second main character being cute :)
have you seen the OVA's and movie for it as you meet her sister in one of them (talk about chalk and cheese)

I was slightly suprised to hear that Gepelnich (one of the first main bad guys you see) was actually voiced by a woman :)
Originally posted by Werewolf
re M7, you're right about the second main character being cute :)
have you seen the OVA's and movie for it as you meet her sister in one of them (talk about chalk and cheese)

I was slightly suprised to hear that Gepelnich (one of the first main bad guys you see) was actually voiced by a woman :)

Yep She's Cute :D . I have not watched the OAV's yet i think i'm missing one and i have not watched the MAc7 movie. Which sister are you talking about? Daina (cant remmber how us spell it)?
Gelpelnich is that the bad pilot guy with an electronic eye? if so then i'm surprised since he had a rather deep voice.
re the sister, i think it's one of her big sisters (from memory she's meant to have something like 7 siblings).

Gelpelnich is indeed the one with the electronic eye thing, I only found out due to a bit Jonothan Clements had on his site about the VA.
Apparently she did a lot of very good voice work, often with characters that needed a slightly odd/different voice, but never became one of the A list VA's because she didn't do the very girly voice that a lot of anime directors and fans love :(

She also did the voice of the character in Patlabor who when entering Japan at customs replied "combat" when asked if she was there for business of pleasure , and I beleive one of the leads in a couple of the Gundam series/OVA's.
So you haven't seen super sayan 4 yet then?

Wolfy : Yes as i remmber reading she has a load of sisters. but we never get to see any of them other than Daina. Gelpelnich doesn't sound very femiale, but then again some of the english Female VA's seem to play pretty good male voices also lol, Like in Ranma, Pokemon, and i'm sure there are more. Didn't Gelpelnich Va also do Ser

The reason she's not doing any other work now is :
(2001) Diagnosed with lung cancer
(2003-02-28) Dies of lung cancer
(2003-03-06) Private funeral in Tokyo, with only close friends and family in attendance

Wasn't there something odd about Siviles VA? cant seem to see her listen on ANN.

Mylene Flare Jenius is that cute feamle, couldn't think of the name earlyer grr lol

Link for anyone whos interested in Who's cute.
Aye, that was what caught my eye as JC was writing about her career in an article that was writted not long after her death at a guess.

Some good pics on that site, although it's missing a good one of Mylene looking annoyed ;)
Originally posted by Werewolf
Some good pics on that site, although it's missing a good one of Mylene looking annoyed ;)

Nurse Mylene is cute:D

Please god, make HG(and Carl Macek) disappear, then i won't have problems in obtaining Macross 7/Zero.
Originally posted by Werewolf
Some good pics on that site, although it's missing a good one of Mylene looking annoyed ;)

Aye your right about one of those cute annoyed pics :) i shall go fourth and find one :D
is this her sister? that you were talking about?

BeanBandit : you after it subbed or dubbed? coz the problem with Mac7 is also to do with the licencing of the usic and some other issues :( so its unlikely will be seeing it any time soon.
here she is, I think it's emilia
Cool, & thanks.
Though the saying of "you try pushing something the size of a melon though something the size of a tenis ball" comes to mind. I'll have to check what i havent seen yet and go and watch it. She seems pretty, though i prefer Mylene. i haven't had mcuh luck with the annoyed cute pic yet i'll check my image archives at home later :)
i know a few people on hear are love hina fans, and was wondering does anyone know when the next volume of the series comes out over here, dont even mention importing it as i refuse to (after all if we want quicker and better quality anime releses over here we've got to start buying more region 2 stuff) anywho i think MVM are still holding the rights to this so ehat are they waiting for i loved the first three volumes i want more :D
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