I just did some maths for fun. If you spent £2500 on a home cinema setup, and compare it to spending £30 a pop for two of you to go to the cinema (£15 each) then you’d get 83 cinema visits for the same amount of money. Across for example two years that’s be going on average every 8-9 days. Say you only went every couple of weeks then you’d probably hit 3 years for the equivalent amount of money. Granted I’m not taking into account food etc but there’s nothing stopping you turning up with a bottle of water, watching the film and going home again. You don’t have to have the meal out, popcorn etc.
Anyway, thought that was interesting although I’ve probably done my maths wrong somewhere.
I think what you're missing here is that you get that extra (having a nice home setup) for everything not just films.
This only really works of you have a bargain bucket tv setup. But then you'd be subjected to that for all viewing and gaming.
So you can't really compare with that.
Cinema is Dying as you need enough people to go. It's not even a social event. So it's no real loss there.
I do like the cinema. But I do think it's dying amd will die soon enough.