just gets worse?On Thursday, one day before the tragedy in Connecticut where at least 29 people were killed at an elementary school, the Republican-controlled Michigan legislature passed a bill that would allow people to bring guns into schools.
just gets worse?
just gets worse?
Knifes are just too much hassle, you know. People run away, I get out of breath, and it's a little bit too personal for my taste. And getting close to your target also brings its own problems. They sometimes fight back and can be a disaster.
Funny then how these mass killings occur far more in gun loving America than anywhere else though....
If guns (in a combination with US society) isn't the issue, explain how the country with the most guns also has the most school shootings?
And people want the laws changed here to allow gun ownership akin to the US here
We are so so lucky we have the Genie stuck in a bottle here. Of course we have gun crime, but it is very mininal as the guns in circulation are so few!
The gunman, identified as Ryan Lanza, 24, of Hoboken, N.J., was also found dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, a federal law enforcement official said. Lanza's mother is a kindergarten teacher at the hilltop school,and it's inside her classroom where most of the casualties were found.
I agree, what a tool the prev posters statement was.
But of course, strict gun laws have no effect on mass school killings eh?
Such a moving speech from the president - http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/...hey-had-their-entire-lives-ahead-of-them?lite
You can tell he is speaking as a father there rather than as the president.
Switzerland has an assault rifle in most houses and there is no mass killings there ever.