'Anti' Isalm cartoons....

Zildjian said:
It really annoyed me when I saw them holding up posters in London saying "Britain you will pay, 7/7 on its way". Could someone please, please tell me what the hell all the British people have done? If I didnt know what happened I would have thought Britain just nuked the middle east or something!

Dont worry they even threaten Bulgaria which is absurd we dont even have anythign to do with that!Well i read the Bulgarian press this morning and it says that we should be careful what we publish in our press!!!???? :confused:

I mean honestly..come on!!Nowadays you cannot even read your newspaper in peace!!
Gilly said:
We do live in a free world, or at least as free as is currently available, but you must remember that the western world is much more advanced than many other parts of the world.

Yeah exactly and they should understand that and stop protesting about everything!!God!!
What about muslims living in the UK?They have jobs, houses and some of them are much better off most english people. The english governement has given them everything that they need, and now they turn against it, thereatening the UK etc...how bizare is that?I think that the government allows too much for this to happen.
Radost said:
Yeah exactly and they should understand that and stop protesting about everything!!God!!
They should understand that? Thats our view of it, not theirs. We have an advanced society where we are allowed to say pretty much whatever we like, if respect is used.

Thats where the line gets blurry.
Gilly said:
They should understand that? Thats our view of it, not theirs. We have an advanced society where we are allowed to say pretty much whatever we like, if respect is used.

Thats where the line gets blurry.

Ok what if you lived in a Muslim country? is the same, you have to respect their way of life, their traditions etc...so why cant they do that for us?Also keeping in mind that they live here in Europe.
Radost said:
Ok what if you lived in a Muslim country? is the same, you have to respect their way of life, their traditions etc...so why cant they do that for us?Also keeping in mind that they live here in Europe.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm telling you their view of the west is very different to yours.
Gilly said:
I'm not arguing with you, I'm telling you their view of the west is very different to yours.

Haha..I know you are not arguing, neither am I!!Im sorry to sound like it though..lol

Anyway my point is just that I dont feel good being told how to live, what I can and cant do, thats all!

Radost said:
Haha..I know you are not arguing, neither am I!!Im sorry to sound like it though..lol

Anyway my point is just that I dont feel good being told how to live, what I can and cant do, thats all!


I think youve got the wrong end of the stick. They arnt telling you how to live. They are telling you that because some other people drew some cartoons that the entire european continent is going "to pay". Well thats an interesting generalisation...

I dont understand their religion at all. However, where are the leaders of their religion? why do they not voice an opinion? why do they not set the record straight? One guy was saying, the majorities voice does not get heard because it is not what the media want. Rubbish! If it truly is the majority the media would be more than happy to broadcast it.
If it is truly the majority then they'd bully the media into portraying their wants.

The media is vastly powerful, but the people are more so. If they boycotted certain papers, etc. the there's absolutely nothing the media could do about it but submit to their wishes.
If my post was read at all by anyone then here is just a little proof. There are proper representatives working hard to protest and demonstrate this issue in a respectable manner, has the media covered this? I think not, the media is far more powerful than the people. They are intentionally focusing on the few activisits which is probably 1 or 2% of total muslims in the world so that these views are kept up.



This isnt all, its very little compared to how much Muslims actually do to educate both Muslims and non muslims about the true meaning of islam.
I bet if I went into London right now with a sign saying "All muslims will pay" or something along those lines, I would be arrested. How come they are allowed to hold signs that are threatening European countries but not get arrested?
the west went nuts when Irans president said israel should be wiped of the map, but i suppose none said he cant say that
If anyone has just watched the news on Sky News there is a protest on right now in London organised by an Islamic Party and non of the signs or the people are that of yesterdays performance. One of the signs read something along the lines of; Freedom of speech is ok but being insulting and abusive isnt.
Please comment on the points raised in my post #275 please Zain .... Not looking for a fight here, just some answers to the questions; especially the "where does it say so?" one that has been conveniently swept aside.
Does anyone have a link to the fake cartoons that were being spread? The ones about mohammed being raped by a dog and being a peado etc? Im sure i saw them in this thread earlier but cant find
This issue seems to be highlighting some double standards in Britain at the minute.

It seems that our government is always going out of the way to pacify the Muslim community, to stress how peaceful they are and how it's such a small element of the community that is fundamentalist. My concern now is that after seeing those who demonstrated yesterday why is something more not being done. I would have expected a senior government official to denounce those protests. We certainly had Jack Straw speaking to the press about how bad the cartoon was. So why is there nobody saying how bad the demonstrations were.

On channel 4's news last night at 19:00 they had a representitive from the Muslim Council of Britain. Three times he was asked about the nature of the demonstrations and what the MCB was going to do about them. He would not answer the question, he just keep refering back to how he hoped the British press wouldn't print the cartoons. Why is this, why does it seem that Muslims will not condemn this sort of thing without condition. Here was the perfect opportunity on live tea time telly to tell an audience of millions that most muslims totally denounce those who held this protest. But instead he kept linking it back to the British press. If he will not denounce them does this mean he supports them but just doesn't want to admit it ? Is this true throughout Muslim society ?

Why has there been no-one from the Muslim community who has condemned the protests without trying to justify it. They will always say that they don't agree with the protests and then stick a BUT this hapenned or THAT happened to justify it. I would have much more respect for them if they just came out and said that they had a problem with a certain element of their society.

Heck, if Muslims can get angry at the whole of Europe over a few newspapers printing offensive cartoons then they should expect Europeans to get angry at Muslims over a few idots protesting in the most disgusting way.

The difference is that if some fundamentalist element of non-muslim society (lets say the BNP) held a 'peaceful' protest carry banners saying 'Massacre all who insult jesus', or 'Muslims, you'll come a crawling when the bombs start falling'. they would probably get arrested instantly. The uproar in the press would be unbelievable and I bet the PM would be on every news channel denouncing the protests and saying how it is a slur on the whole of Islam and it's peace loving people.

I'm not supporting a protest like I just described by the way, if it happened I would expect the people to get arrested and rightly so, my argument is WHY did those who protested yesterday get away with it. Is it because there Muslim ? is it because we're now so afraid of offending them that we dare not act ?
Sorry there are so many posts that they just slip, in no way am I ignoring/unable to answer it.

In short; various hadiths make it unacceptable in Islam to have any drawings of the prophets(pbut). The reason is that it leads to Idol worshipping.

Islamic history has shown that there were Muslims who were respected and loved by their people and one day were asked "If you love them so, why not create something to remember them" from this came drawings, which were just looked at to remember the person, then it moved on to statues that were just viewed again but as time progressed they began to look at the statues for answers and esculated to the extent that they worshipped them instead of God. This is another reason why drawings of Prophets (pbut) is strictly prohibited in any way for 100s of years this has been the case because with time Islam has not changed only the people have.
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