'Anti' Isalm cartoons....

Chronos-X said:
There's no one way streets, liberal pinkoness or leftwing peace loving hippie actions here: get this straight, to engage in tit for tat with a few people holding signs which in turn was in response to something else, regardless of whether you agreed with them, would be a public relations nightmare, so put away your BNP leaflet for 2 seconds and think about it in practical terms.

I have no BNP leaflet I do see the realities and double standards that you seem to wish to ignore.

In simple terms did Abu Hamza get police protection to preach death to the west Islam in this country? The answer as you well know is YES.

In simple terms do the police go to BNP meetings in plain clothes in order to catch him out and arrest him. Again as you well know the answer is YES.

Is there an obvious disparity here with police being used to harrass one guy and protect another ? YES.


Do we have laws specifically outlawing incitement to violence and hatred .... yes. So why no arrests ?
gib786 said:
the violent protestors dont represent the majority of peacefull muslims in the uk, a lot of the muslims I have spoken to are appaled by the violence caused by the so called "muslims", its against islam

No offense but i'm completely and utterly bored of that excuse now, as true as it may be. Its starting to sound like a broken record. Where are these moderate Muslims? They should get off their asses and do better than one article on BBC news online with one guy condemning the reaction. :rolleyes:

The irony of the cartoon with the bomb-turban is that its being proved true before our very eyes.*

*If you view it as showing how Islam has been hijacked by the Islamist extremists of course.
Chronos-X said:
There's no one way streets, liberal pinkoness or leftwing peace loving hippie actions here: get this straight, to engage in tit for tat with a few people holding signs which in turn was in response to something else, regardless of whether you agreed with them, would be a public relations nightmare, so put away your BNP leaflet for 2 seconds and think about it in practical terms.

Totally disagree.

Signs saying "Kill" and massive numbers just waitng to errupt ??

Heres a GREAT point......

How many Musilms are in our Army ready to fight for our country?

Probably count them on one hand.

sickens me.
dirtydog said:
So PR is more important than doing the right thing.

Yes, infact it is.

You cant just engage in constant tit for tat - sometimes the bigger man does nothing.

Imagine the situation : if the powers that be arrested the sign holders we'd get "so how come the BBC aren't being arrested for showing the pictures", ergo, inciting religious hatred.

Thusly, MORE demonstrations would happen with the possibility of serious recriminations on the scale of 7/7.

All due to you sat in your armchair with your copy of the Sun wanting "justice".

So yes, PR is a very important thing! You cant run a country like a chav on a night out who's just been offered outside, you have to think well into the longterm on every decision you make.

Chronos-X said:
regardless of whether you agreed with them, would be a public relations nightmare

Because we're all so fond of extremists :confused:

At what point does "a PR disaster" become less desirable than people threatening to kill?

If you were walking past these people, with your child, and your child asked why there were people standing a few foot away who were holding placards telling you that they wanted you dead - how would you answer that without making it look like our government had no spine?
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I wonder how long it will be till the British and our fellow Europeans stand up to these traitors and fanatics in our midst and deal with them the only way they respect, violently.

It will be a sad day when it happens but I honestly see it coming in the not too distant future and no one will be to blame for it but the Muslims themselves.
Scam said:
The irony of the cartoon with the bomb-turban is that its being proved true before our very eyes.*

Totally, hopefully this will be the wake up call that we as a western and also proud society needs.

Time we stopped taking crap like this.
cleanbluesky said:
Because we're all so fond of extremists :confused:


Who cares as long as they're just saying it? They say it, "we" ignore, they get tired, just like a school bully.

If you constantly rise to the bait however... I've already told you why arrests are impossible in practical terms in this case.
Chronos-X said:
Yes, infact it is.
You cant just engage in constant tit for tat - sometimes the bigger man does nothing.
Imagine the situation : if the powers that be arrested the sign holders we'd get "so how come the BBC aren't being arrested for showing the pictures", ergo, inciting religious hatred.
Thusly, MORE demonstrations would happen with the possibility of serious recriminations on the scale of 7/7.
All due to you sat in your armchair with your copy of the Sun wanting "justice".
So yes, PR is a very important thing! You cant run a country like a chav on a night out who's just been offered outside, you have to think well into the longterm on every decision you make.


Neither can you run a country like a scared little wimp hiding behind his sofa.
The laws are there for a reason and if they are not exercised then they become irrelevent. Sometimes the bigger man walks away but if he does it every fight he is labelled a coward and loses all respect from all sides.

Failure to act will increase confidence and scale of these rallies not lessen them. Wasn't 7/7 enough for you that you'll allow people to chant for another one.
Chronos-X said:
Who cares as long as they're just saying it? They say it, "we" ignore, they get tired, just like a school bully.

Good point, except we have more than enough proof that they don't just say it they actually do it as well. It isn't hard to imagine a sign waver blowing themselves up in a train station or on a plane in a couple of months.
Chronos-X said:
Who cares as long as they're just saying it? They say it, "we" ignore, they get tired, just like a school bully.

If you constantly rise to the bait however... I've already told you why arrests are impossible in practical terms in this case.

They are not just saying it. They are breeding this hatred and evil in amongst everyone else, if their view goes unchallenged it doesn't just fade away into nothing.
These are the laws - obey them or suffer the consequences. Our recent dabble with liberalness on crime and education is a disaster, why suffer another here.
Yes good point.

The one thing that I DO respect the Americans for, is the fact they threatended military action, and then went straight ahead and did it.

I for one never thought it would ever happen, and was pleasantly suprised to see that for once it wasnt all hot air.
Chronos-X said:
Who cares as long as they're just saying it? They say it, "we" ignore, they get tired, just like a school bully.

I thought we stood up to bullies? I don't want to be bullied into anything - this is civilisation, or so we have been told.

If you constantly rise to the bait however... I've already told you why arrests are impossible in practical terms in this case.

No, you've said "think about the PR"... well think about the PR. yesterday, we had Muslims in London breaking the law and threatening to kill us - nothing happened. Today, we have a prominent Muslim on the TV pleading for the police to arrest the Muslim 'thugs'... nothing happens.

What message does that give, what does that say?
cleanbluesky said:
I thought we stood up to bullies? I don't want to be bullied into anything - this is civilisation, or so we have been told.

Gah I would have got to have known a lot more of my family if Churchill had taken Chrono-x path and realised Hitler would have got bored in the end and done nothing.
Chronos-X said:
That we don't take any notice of the silly little boys :)

Quite right, we take no notice until they get on tube trains and blow themselves up. Infact we even give them police escourts to ensure that they can preach their evil whilst anyone who isn't a muslim who dislikes this approach has the secret police following them around.
Great idealism, useless reality.
Chronos-X said:
That we don't take any notice of the silly little boys :)

Explain -using words that describe the situation we are discussing - to whom you are referring to, why you have failed to continue your analogy and where the answer to my question is hiding...
VIRII said:
Gah I would have got to have known a lot more of my family if Churchill had taken Chrono-x path and realised Hitler would have got bored in the end and done nothing.

I await Chronos-X's explaination of how the invasion of Poland was 'a bit of a laugh' ...

I thought this thread was beginning to get a little colourless given that most of us are in agreement, but now we have a constrary argument that at best can be considered abstract.
loopstah said:
I wonder how long it will be till the British and our fellow Europeans stand up to these traitors and fanatics in our midst and deal with them the only way they respect, violently.

It will be a sad day when it happens but I honestly see it coming in the not too distant future and no one will be to blame for it but the Muslims themselves.

I personally cant wait for a war or backlash.

Protecting our families vs to please allah.
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