With regards to the violent protests across the middle east. The thing I always bear in mind is that a lot of those involved are poorly educated, can't get a job and provide for their families, are being feed propaganda about the situation, being deliberately whipped into a frenzy by certain leaders amongst them.
It is most likely not their fault. These people feel oppressed as most of them live in countries where they have very little freedom. The ruling classes use situations like this to retain control over them. Nothing will get a people to stick together better than to get them to believe that the rest of the world is against them. It forces them to come together, and forget that they are being oppressed in their own countries.
Also, these people would never be allowed to hold protests like this against those ruling the country, or against any injustices that take place on a regular basis there. This gives them a release valve and the people in charge know this, they think it is better to let them blow of steam over an issue than rise up and challeng those in charge.
That doesn't excuse the rioting, but taken in context I can understand why it is happening.
For me the more serious issue as far as Britain is concerned has been the lack of action by the police, maybe this will change. I hope that over the next few days the police, with the help of the muslim community, will be able to identify and arrest those who took part in Fridays protest.