'Anti' Isalm cartoons....

vonhelmet said:
Can't see the anti-Islam feeling going away any time soon.

Not until its properly addressed and no longer an ongoing threat...

As far as showing Muslims the door, no - it is arrogant to believe that Islam is of no value to us. What we need to decrease immigration to a trickle (for everyone) and systematically shut down every Islamic political organisation in the UK, be they run from home, office or Mosque... whats left should be fairly pleasant and reasonable.
vonhelmet said:
It sucks for the regular Muslims, that they have to suffer for the actions of the few.

I can say everytime I see something about Islam in the media I get more and more tired of trying to defend myself and Islam. Its to the point that I'd rather not even state my opinion anymore as it doesnt make a difference.

The best way to of handled this situation would have been to do it peacefully and in a way that society would not look down upon Islam but instead learn to understand. For instance a few meetings where people would sit down and discuss the situation rather than go into the streets an feel the need to create violence.

These kind of events make the REAL muslims of the western community feel like social outcasts. Yes the cartoons are not accepted in Islam but that doesnt mean there needs to be an all out war every time someone is offended.

Balddog said:
Well why are we so worked up about what they are doing in response?

What business is it of ours whether they get angry or not? Those radicals in the middle east can do what they please in their own countries..

Those who disagree with it over here are free to protest peacefully, as they have been doing..

So whats the problem?

Because they aren't doing it on their own soil, they have burned to embassies one Danish and Norweigan, its's like attacking Norway or Denmark.
i must say Asim its a pity that some Muslims dont take a similar stance to you. I've seen the cartoons and i think they are hilarious, and some of the slogans to come about after the antics of Muslims across the globe are even funnier i.e. T-Shirts with : I draw Mohammed and the like.

The fact is and the fact that Muslims need to remember is that we joke. We make humour and poke fun to lighten the atmosphere its like my granddad says, never discuss religion or politics with the Irish. Likewise it should be, never discuss religion, politics or jokes with Muslims, because if this is the reaction you get, then it makes 1.2billion around the world look like total and utter animals.

Not directed towards Asim
Bottom line in all of this to Muslims is: Its a joke, some ink on a bit of paper, yet "you" want to turn it into a flying head fest. Your in the wrong not "us"

>| Raoh |<
CoupeMad said:
Not according to your Islamic friends.

Well some people obviously need to take a step back and stop letting anger and hatred cloud their judgement. I'm a believer in God and I say when the time comes let him pass judgement.
This idiot has apologized for is stupidity & for any offence he caused. I wonder whether he expects that to be the end of the matter, as he still felt the need for his disgusting actions even after The Danish PM did the same...
JohnnyG said:
This idiot has apologized for is stupidity & for any offence he caused. I wonder whether he expects that to be the end of the matter, as he still felt the need for his disgusting actions even after The Danish PM did the same...

Oh good - I guess we wont need to arrest him for breaking the law - how convenient. Wasn't he the same chap quoted earlier by the BBC as being defiant?
Yeah I think he is the same bloke. He changed his mind when hundreds of people turned up at his house.

There has been more attacks in Terhran with petrol bombs etc...
Here in Dundee theres a lot of them.

I wonder what would happen if I went down to the mosk with a Mohemmed T shirt?

Would they laugh with me and everyone would be all smiles as they realise how STUPID it all is?


Would they start hopping about and uttering death threats?

I'd love to think the former, but I Just cannot see it.

If I had seen that guy in the bomber outfit, jeesus christ, I would have put him in hospital so fast he would want to commit suicide.

You just CANNOT do things like that.

Doesnt matter who the hell you are.

I wouldnt be suprised if some victims of the families sued.

Why didnt the armed police get him? Im sure if a british person dressed up as a "fake" armed robber or something the police would lock them up.

They all seem so desperate to distance themselves from the twisted acts of terror when its conveinent, but as soon as theres any arguments, its a totally different story.

Even Iran said it wanted to produce weapons grade material to act as a deterrant.

Jeesus, now I KNOW there all nutters.

My theory is thats its the heat that makes them all mental.......

Just look at the violence in all the hot countries and tell me that theres no connection !!
(apart from Austraila)
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The fool who dressed up in a fake suicide bombers vest needs the book throwing at him. You could take your pick at the list of offences he has committed. An apology is simply not good enough and I am debating whether I have ever seen a more staged and insincere apology.

It is that kind of mindless protest which gives the extreme element of Islam an excuse to take to the streets where the risk of serious public disorder and the public and the authorities run the risk of harm or worse.

I fully expect the Metropolitan Police to examine footage taken and to prosecute those responsible for waving placards advocating that people be beheaded and killed for insulting Islam and the Phophet Mohammed. They have broken the law to where the already dry tinder box that is race relations in this country could go up at any time.

It sounds tired, but if it had of been Christians' mocking and advocating such things against Muslims' then the arrests for public order and incitement offences would have been many I feel.

No, I am not racist before anyone says otherwise, I just feel that it is damned unjust for one group to be given huge leverage to protest without arrests.

The law exists whether you like it or not and it is for everyone to obey ..... irrespective of your religious beliefs.
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just watching bbc news and they have the fools apology on again, and they have the local labour mp saying "he's sorry and has apologised, but he has done it in the wrong way, but i hope we can rebuild"

so he wont be getting arrested then seeing as his local labour mp's backing him.

got to love our counrty.
Von Smallhausen said:
The fool who dressed up in a fake suicide bombers vest needs the book throwing at him. You could take your pick at the list of offences he has committed.
Name one.
Sleepy said:
Name one.

I think incitment to murder was one of them and they were talking about it on GMTV or that could have just been the placards. They had some muslim representatives on talking about it today.
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