Originally posted by r1cko
lol yeah..
that bloke had no argument and talked crap like the young girl vs iraqi man..
the epitome of the anti-war campaign.
If you're talking abou that US radio broadcast - that is a proven a set-up (and a pretty obvious one IMO).
Just another example of the pro-war propaganda coming from the American media.
While I'm here - here are some things I would like answers to from the pro-war lobby:
How will Iraq be governed post war?
Will it go the way of Afgahnistahn (local war lords running a medieval style feudal system alongside the Opium growers and the puppet-president nearly being assasinated every fortnight or so)?
How will we deal with the inevitable increase in terrorism due to this invasion?
How can we morally justify taking weapons away from a country when we have so many ourselves? This is especially hypocritical seeing as we sold those weapons to this ruler ourselves.
What moral right do we have to usurp another country's ruler - whatever we think of them?
If a country is being ruled unjustly is it not the responsibility of exiles as well as opposition within the country in question to throw out their own despots? Sure they may need help from outside - but surely the impetous should come from the oppressed population?
Should we weaken the position of the UN and anger powerful neigbours like China) by going against the wishes of the international community?
The Muslim and Arab world at large don't agree with this conflict? How can we ever make this up to such a large and important sector of the world's population?
There are far more dangerous and far more oppressive reigimes in the world than Iraq's (many of them, like East Timor, supported by the US government) - would this war be being fought if the economy of the USA didn't need an influx of cheap oil?
The Iraqi people are split regarding Saddam Hussein - he has massive support in some places (From the Sunni's) and huge opposition in others (the Kurds and Shia's). Should we not just sit back and take the asylum seekers while he and his supporters stay there and rot?
The Kurds are currently protected in the UN controlled area of Northern Iraq. This doesn't stop them being persecuted by the Turks (who hate Kurds) who have an Illegal army stationed in the area. UN protected areas offer very little real protection. Iraq will be in chaos as the main remaining factions battle for power once the armies disperse. This period will make Saddam's oppression look like mother's love to the civilian population and will probably devistate Iraq's precious resourses and historical treasures.
How can this post-war chaos be resolved in a satisfactory manner?
A pre-emptive strike of this nature is un-precidented in history. What justifies this one? Bear in mind we are not under immediate threat and there is no good evidence that we ever will be (Saddam could be hit by a bus or an assasin's bullet at any time and no WOMD that have long-range capability have been found in Iraq).
Good evening to you all, and good luck - we're going to need it in the next 20 years or so as we have just become prime targets for international terrorist attacks.